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2019/03/30 16:54:09瀏覽289|回應0|推薦5

ROC Military Academy, or widely known as Haungpu Academy, was founded by Dr Sun Yat-sen in 1924 at Changzhou islet, being located at the mouth of Zhu River, Guangdong Province.  Last week via a ferry boat we paid a visit there, and spent a whole afternoon sightseeing the well-preserved relic of revolution, which had been one of the most influential sites in modern China. 

I perused the documents and the photos displayed in two major exhibition rooms; one of them used to be the residence of Dr Sun.  I have been pretty much familiar with most of the stories thereof, still I felt thrilled to the great enthusiasm and energy among those young warriors in the academy.  (Even the principal Chiang Kai-shek was only 40 then, and the chief political instructor Zhou Enlai was under 30.)  In the surging call among the Zeitgesit, young nationalists and communists fought together against landlords, compradors, warlords and imperialists under the teachings of Sun: unite with Soviet, consolidate nationalists and communists, and cooperate with peasants and workers.  Unfortunately, Chiang betrayed Great Revolution, and you had already known the rest of the history. 

Subsequent to our perusal at exhibition rooms, we proceeded to the tall, stately statue of Dr Sun located on the top of a hill nearby.  Carved in one side of the pedestal there are the last seven words that Sun murmured in his deathbed, less than a year after his founding the academy:「和平、奮鬥、救中國」, and that is still the most important thing for us to do today. 


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