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"A Small Case"
2014/03/06 00:14:32瀏覽623|回應4|推薦5

Prof. Wang Xiaobo(王曉波)said the other day that the people died from the "White Terror" after 228 in Taiwan was "a small case" because it had been pale by comparision with the cases that communist suspects killed by KMT in Mainland. His remarks immediately elicited wodespread, vitrolic opprobrium from Green Camp. The vehement reaction reflected a telltale mindset that they deemed anyting happened in Mainland were Chinese business, having nothing to do with Taiwan.

But Prof. Wang is right. From broader historical point of view, those tragedies were parts of the tribulation in modern China. KMT thought its Nationalism was the best way to save China, so it had to eliminate any opponents who would thwart in its attempt, no matter on Mainland or on Taiwan; CCP thought its Communism was the only feasible way to achieve the same goal, so it also had to rid any "anti-revolutionaries" ruthlessly. Was that either Chiang's or Mao's personal ambition, you must say? But there must have been a nationwide "general will" to push the history on its right track whether you like it or not.

Get real, man. Do your best to help create a prosperous, strong China(including Taiwan) which will be no longer to be "saved" is the best policy for you to follow.

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2014/03/07 11:38
王小波?我只知道王小波的老婆現在還在招搖撞騙 lv三聯包包 gucci包包 chanel包包型錄 hermes 愛馬仕包包專賣店 nike 2014新款鞋子型錄 ugg雪靴專賣店 nike官方網 nike 2014新款鞋子型錄 lv名牌包型錄 gucci官方網 chanel 香奈兒中文官方網站 hermes香水 nike 2014新款鞋子型錄 ugg boots台灣專櫃 nike 2014新款鞋子型錄 nike 2014新款鞋子型錄
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-03-07 16:06 回覆:
I don't know what 王"小"波's wife did, and that is irrelevant to what we are discussing her.

摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目
A tiny case ?
2014/03/06 17:26

If compared with the Japanese invation (旅順 殺光光; 台灣登陸 殺六萬 ?), The Nationalist (228 各 八百人 ~ 李敖) is a tiny case.  Only the Red Communist can match the Japanese in some city (河北, 永年 政委 鄧小平 屠城).  

一九四七年十月中,師政委 鄧小平 下令「屠城」!..... 河北永年 十萬餘軍民,沒有留下一個活口。 ...... 』~ 2010年4月 河北省邢台市隆堯縣蓮子村 張濟英 於 美國 德州 達拉斯   ~  最近一期 2013 12 08 美南新聞 週刊 Page 13, 14 ~ 張濟英 於 美國德州 達拉斯 

800 vs. 60000 vs. 100000+ 

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-03-06 22:23 回覆:
I can't verify the authenticity that there had been said massacre ordered by Deng Xiaoping. In that time(October, 1947), Nationalist still controlled most parts of Mainland, so if there was such an arrant atrocity that had ever happened, Nationalist must have propagated it by sparing no efforts. But why haven't I ever heard of it? As far as I know, Deng was the politcal head in Communists' Cetral Army during civil war, not Northern Army. You know, why PLA was much more popular than Nationalist's? Because they had stricter disciplines. So I doubt they would commit such an atrocity especially when they were still an underdog then.

It is difficult to get truth from “各打五十大板” .
2014/03/06 07:00
The description in the second paragraph again falls into the trap of “各打五十大板”.  At least, every thing should be taken into account starting from 4.12 "incident" or massacre in actuality. 

To be frank, I don't think that it is an incident, instead, a meditated plot to wipe out communists inside and outside KMT.  It is a meditated massacre for sure.  Sadly, it is a betray to Dr. Sun Yatsen's will.

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-03-06 13:31 回覆:
I didn't mean to “各打五十大板”. Please see my next reply below.

412 was not an "incident"(I was just reluctant to use the word like "massacre", that's all.); instead, it was a contrieved plot alright. The dicision started with the move from "西山會議派"(In fact, it was an illegal, at least unorthodox, group within KMT). The massacre also put death to a loyal Dr. Sun's believer: 鄧演達, a leftist in KMT and number two leader of March to North Army. Since then, Madam Sun, cut off any relation with Chiang, and later her own sister Madam Chiang.

2014/03/06 06:54
"KMT thought its Nationalism was the best way to save China"
I don't think that this is an accurate statement.  At most, Nationalism is only one of the Three Principles.  Nationalist Party is not a correct English translation of KMT.  KMT really means nationals' party.
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-03-06 12:19 回覆:
After May Fourth Movement, Nationalism and Communism became the mainstream mindsets among China's intellectuals. Dr. Sun delicately mingled two thoughts with each other and formed his Three Principles for his party: KMT, and for future China. He also regulated there policies: unite with Soviet Union, cooperate with Communists and combine/help workers and peasants. You know what'd happened after 412.(I had a brief recount in 人間正道是滄桑 at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/7142228)

Eventually, if we looked back to see that era with macro viewpoints we could find at least Chiang had established an upper structure to cope with the modern world for a medieval state like China then; in the mean time, through Long March and Liberation, Mao had successfully started reconstrutured an immobible society at the bottom in which the cultivation means and human relationship had remained unchanged for hundreds of years. Despite personal merits or faults of Chiang's or Mao's, both of them and their parties had done a great deal to China during that transitional stage. We surely had pity for the generation of our fathers' and grandfathers', but can we do better than what they did if we were them?