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2018/08/19 22:16:55瀏覽685|回應0|推薦6

In my previous writing "想賺大陸的錢, 就別做雙面人." at http://classic-blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/114210572, I said that "only when the netizens and consumers of China Mainland have good impression on Taiwan, could businesses of Taiwan have a better opportunity in Mainland.  How is a good impression like?  Simple, you just have to admit you are a Chinese."

Today I read a commentary on China Times that it seemed China Mainland has no longer "curbed" her vast netizens to expressed their negative sentiments of sarcasm, swear words, or even rancor against their counterparts in Taiwan, whom for long had used evil words like "Chinks", "China pigs", "426", and other dirtiest words to give vent to their hatred on China.  (I wonder all the time that have China Mainland ever do anything wrong as to make those netizens hate her so much?)

If the online counter-attacks prevail among vast Mainland netizens unchecked, that will be highly dangerous sign for Taiwan.  DPP and its stupid followers always said "respect public opinion" as a pet phrase; right, CCP government must respect the public opinion in Mainland, too.  Because I often surf on various websites of China Mainland, I can tell you right now that "Wutong"(by military means) has become mainstream mindset related to final unification, which took precedence over Hetong(by peaceful means).  I even noticed that fewer and fewer voices from those "doves" of China think tanks had been heard of in these days.  Dear islanders, such a change of "the wind direction" is absolutely not a good thing for the people of Taiwan.  Behave yourselves, man.     


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