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想賺大陸的錢, 就別做雙面人.
2018/08/16 12:42:19瀏覽579|回應0|推薦4

That Wonky Cai deliberately visited a 85度C shop during her stay at LA the other day.  She "bought" a cup of coffee and a clerk gave her a mascot in return.  Such a prearranged "visit" infuriated the vast Mainland netizens who called for boycotting the goods of 85度C which has already had nearly 600 branches and franchisees in Mainland.  In no time, the Taiwan brand in Mainland issued an announcement that they espouse 92 consensus, people of both sides of the strait are brothers, addressing Wonky Cai as the "leader" of Taiwan authority only, and so on. 

The move might have appeased enraged netizens a little bit if its headquarter in Taiwan did not claim that the announcement stood for branch offices in Mainland only, and the headquarter had no comments, meaning it did not recognize the announcement.  Obviously, the bakery/coffee shop is a sheer double-dealer, no doubt of it.  The result?  Report said some take-outs APPs had been removed from the shelves online, and a shop in Quanzhou, Fujian was inspected after the "incident". 

Apparently, 85度C already sustained double loss either in Mainland or in Taiwan.  Like I have always said only in an amicable ambience and peaceful relationship between both sides of the strait, could the enterprises and firms from Taiwan survive and prosper in China Mainland.  Or I could put it this way: only when the netizens and consumers of China Mainland have good impression on Taiwan, could businesses of Taiwan have a better opportunity in Mainland.  How is a good impression like?  Simple, you just have to admit you are a Chinese.        

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