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【2019單車環臺】DAY5─10E 壽卡挑戰~唯有放下自我 才能突破一切
2019/05/01 08:56:52瀏覽724|回應0|推薦5



      在經過中午的短暫休息後,我們開始了這趟環台最艱辛的難關—壽卡。為求更有效率的行進,我們對於我們的陣形作出了重大的改變,讓一些能夠上去的人排在前面。出發後,眾人仍拖著疲憊的身軀開始騎乘這段難關重重的山路,剛開始,有些許夥伴因體力不支因而開始落隊,而我也感受到我的體力明顯下滑,疲勞程度逐漸上升,而腦中又浮現出想要放棄的念頭,但我看到我前面的夥伴們仍舊運用自己的雙腳踩踏著踏 板來向終點邁進,因此我下定決心,不僅要繼續奮戰下去,還要帶著那些落隊夥伴們的意志來完成。




The warm ray of the sun shine over our faces as it begins to set, while we struggled to move the bike pedals with our worn-out legs. At the front of the hotel, we saw our teacher Mr. Chen waving at us, reminding me of what he said 18 hours earlier….  “In your 12 days of cycling around Taiwan, the toughest challenge is undeniably the shouka climb in day five.18 hours later, you will complete the hardest task of the trip and arrive at the hotel, and this will be your most precious experience”, he said to us the day before.

When we climbed up to the top of shouka, this was exactly what I felt. Climbing up this route is like a final exam. All the preparations we had before, all the practices, all the scoldings, all the encouragements, and all the sweat we endure for half a year led to this successful arrival. During the process cycling up the rolling slopes, I felt like it isn’t as hard as I’ve imagined, and that the Hua-chen road is a lot more challenging. This is the outcome of several practices, which all of us had tremendous improvement on our physical fitness.

Additionally, another reason I think the shouka route is surprisingly effortless was because of the cooperation, teamwork, and unity within the class. Whenever someone was getting exhausted, others would cheer for him/her to keep going. Nobody was willing to give up easily, and at the end, determination brought us all to the top. I am truly proud of us for conquering the shouka route.

All of the previous hardwork paid off, and the joy of completing this quest is worth it. Day 5 of our trip will undeniably become one of my most memorable day in my highschool career, acting as a proof and reminder of teamwork, and signifying my transformation into a more mature and responsible person.
( 心情隨筆校園筆記 )
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