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【2019單車環臺】DAY2─10B 凝聚的力量 是努力不懈的動力
2019/04/24 14:17:26瀏覽733|回應0|推薦2




    Today is our second day of the adventurous trip. With a total of 270 brave Kang Chiao student, some teacher, and giant leader we  accomplished 23 KM. When we woke up it was around 6:00 am the sun was bright and it was a hot humid morning at Yilan .

    We packed out stuff and left our room at 6:45 and went to the restaurant where we had our breakfast. After breakfast we went to the room and took a small break. After we all walked to the train station we had to wait until the train comes. When he train cane everyone rushed on because it was so hot outside where we had to wait. A short 1 hours train we all sleepy, talked, and played.

     Soon after that I woke up to a beautiful landscape. We arrived at Hualien. It was a a beautiful placed the only bad about there was the hot weather. Once we got down the train we walked to our restaurant where we had lunch. We then left the place at 2 and start riding. Then riding a total of 16 to a rest stop. After a short break we then rode another 16km. When we arrived at the hotel we as a class all gather together and took some pictures and had some talks. That was basically all that happened today it was fun but also kinda tiring. The next stop is taidong. 

( 心情隨筆校園筆記 )
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