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2014/04/17 17:17:00瀏覽704|回應0|推薦0 | |
Day3,從花蓮壽豐往台東池上,大夥完成了94公里的騎乘,雙腳踏過的地方印象更深刻。 請大家持續幫鐵馬勇士們加油打氣!
2014單車環臺邁入第三天,一早的好天氣令大家精神為之一振。今日路線將從花蓮壽豐鄉出發至台東池上鄉。第三天的行程上坡較少但總里程數較長,為94公里的平地騎乘,同學必須更專注地騎乘單車。 Today is the third day of cycling trip. We are lucky to have sunny day as yesterday. Students were more energetic than yesterday . Today’s riding started from Hualian to Taitung. There are not many uphill today but the distance was longer. Students needs tostay focused because of long distance riding. 看著同學騎乘時認真的臉龐與永不放棄的精神,身為老師的我也常被感動。只要我們願意給他們機會,小孩子的潛能時常比大人們想像的更加強大。面對眼前看不到盡頭的路程,小孩子一個一個都撐下來,努力地踩著齒輪向前邁進。 It is impressive to see students’ with “never give up” expression, they wanted to finish cycling around Taiwan no matter how hard it is. Children have potential and possibilities for everything as long as we give a chance to do so.
騎乘單車時一定會遭遇許多困難,多變氣候、險峻地形、疲勞的累積等……。這些原因除了消磨體力也消耗同學的專注力,在此時意志力就顯得相當重要。同學互相適時的鼓勵與打氣都能讓彼此更有力量面對下一次的困難。 Students will face difficulties when riding. Various climate and long uphills, complicate road condition …etc. It is easy to give up this mission. Students have to learn how to encourage themselves as it may make them have more power to conquer difficulties.
Every class has to report a city in connection with Taiwanese culture. It was 10E、10D、1001、10F who was presenting today. They introduce Kaoshung、Tainan、Taichung in English and introduce the beauty and the significance of the city. We hope students can learn more Taiwanese culture through this trip.
( 心情隨筆|校園筆記 ) |