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2014/04/19 18:04:05瀏覽1005|回應0|推薦2 | |
行程進入第五天,越往南行,信心開始出現裂痕,孩子們不免開始嘀咕: 為什麼要在這裡受折磨?為什麼不能舒服地躺在沙發上看電視? 疲累持續累積,尤其是挑戰大魔王壽卡,有人說那是死了又活過來的FU,但全程,沒有一個人放棄! 歷經苦難折磨後嚐得的果實特別甜美,不是親身經歷,怎有深刻體會? 感謝1002班回傳的心得,真實地記錄挑戰大魔王的心路歷程,讓遠在台北的我們,仿如也到了現場,感受這116公里的感動。 請大家持續幫鐵馬勇士們加油打氣!
今日的行程,是本次還臺中最有挑戰性的一天。壽卡,位於南迴公路上,而本日的行程就是由台東的知本騎過南迴公路到達屏東的車城。大家在出發前就有耳聞,壽卡這段路會是還台最艱辛的挑戰,他有漫長的12公里上坡,加上前面四天的疲累累積到身上也到了一個極限,對體力與身心都是一個嚴峻的考驗。大家對於接下來的路程也都抱持著緊張跟嚴肅的心情。上午的路程是比較輕鬆的,爬過3座小山,經過半年的訓練,對大家而言都是小case,當作平路騎一樣就上去。中午小休息之後,大家就抱著戰戰兢兢的心情,跨上鐵馬,往壽卡魔王前進。在正式騎上壽卡前,大家都很害怕,前方會是怎樣的路途,怎樣折磨人的長上坡?在本來就很疲累的狀況下,究竟能否成功攻頂呢?? Today, we challenged the hardest mountain we would encounter these 12 days: Shouka. It incuded 12 kilometers of uphill slope, and after the past 4 days of biking, everyone was worn out. When we arrived at the bottom of Shouka, a barrier inbetween out ride from Taitung to Pingtung, everyone’s hearts were filled with trepidation. With our legs burning from inside, bodies baking under the sun, we slowly climbed our way up this monster. Our tear strewn faces dripping with sweat and covered in sunscreen were crunched up, and moans were to be heard all along the way. All we could do was to step. And step…and step…occasionally calling out to our classmates and encouraging each other.
To the end of this memorable torture, we could see that we were nearly there! Tony started to sing the school song, while many excited and satisfied yells filled the air. After we made it, pride welled up in us. We made it! Dylan even described the climb as “a piece of rice”, even though he had been complaining and ranting all the way up the hill. The hero of the day was Kevin. During practices, he was always the one to give up first and start walking behind everyone, but today, he did not stop at all the made it to the top all by himself! 今天雖然是老師口中的大魔王關,但全班都沒有放棄,互相扶持著一起加油打氣,相信接下來7天不管是有1000萬個紅綠燈的高雄,還是有酷熱太陽的台南,我們都能堅持下去完成12天的壯遊台灣!2班棒!2班讚!2班2班2班 we are family!騎上來的大家,是英雄,我們是一家人,一二三四五六七,二班一定拿第一!七六五四三二一,我們一定騎上去! This 12 day trip is not just about riding around Taiwan, but about learning that we can all do it, and as a team, we must all work together. Today, we did it, and we are all ready for the rest of the trip ahead. “1 2 3 4 5 6 7, we will be the champions! 7 6 5 4 3 2 1, we will make it till the end!” We are 1002. We are the best, we are fabulous, we are family!
( 心情隨筆|校園筆記 ) |