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2014/04/18 09:12:49瀏覽712|回應0|推薦0 | |
第四天登場的是10C心得文,在霧鹿國小優美壯闊的八部合音歡送下,一行人再度踏上旅程。 伯朗大道上留影,藍天白雲,綠得發亮的稻田,開啟一天的好心情。 請大家持續幫鐵馬勇士們加油打氣!
今天是四月十七號,也是單車環台開始的第四天。我們在清晨6點起床,享用了美味的自助式早餐後,8點準時迎來了霧鹿國小的29位布農族朋友們。他們為了歡迎我們,不惜開車兩小時專程來為我們祝賀,優美的八部合音及各種祈禱小米豐收和報戰功的歌曲讓我們聽得精神雀躍,彷彿全身都充滿了力氣。帶著這樣的精神,我們出發了。 Today is April 17 and also the fourth day of our bike trip. We woke up at 6 am today and enjoyed delicious breakfast from our hotel. At 8 am, we watched a performance by the native people of Taiwan. The 29 indigenous people performed a harmonious song with a mixture of 8 different tones. Just for the purpose of welcoming us to their native culture and native community, they drove 2 hours in order to introduce and perform for us. The passion and pride that they had for their culture not only intrigued us, but also energized us for the long day ahead of us.
今天我們是大隊中的最後一班,於是我們毫無壓力的慢慢騎,一路上左右兩邊的綠色稻田充滿了我們的視線,看著極為舒服。隊伍的速度也不快,我們班大概保持在時速19公里的速度,上午的太陽很烈,迎面吹來的熱風也讓我們昏昏欲睡,非常難受,但大家都咬牙撐過了。早上騎了約莫30公里,中午在脫線牧場吃過飯後,下午的路程就好過多了,雖然有上下坡的起伏,但太陽已經被厚厚的雲層悄悄遮住,不再讓人騎得頭昏眼花。 Because we were the last group to ride our bikes, we complaisantly rode off into the large green meadows of rice paddy fields. Even though the vibrant sun casted over our bodies during the afternoon, we still managed to overcome all the obstacles and reached our destination to have lunch. After quickly gulping down our lunch, we continued to our destination with never ending small; hills that took us up and down multiple times. Luckily, with the clouds that caused over cast, everyone was able to continue our bike ride without getting sunstroke or sun burnt. 前幾天的疲勞在今天大爆發,腿部的痠痛也讓我們每踩一下踏板就更加痛苦,但因為總里程數只有65公里左右,所以總體來說還不算非常累人。下午大家都有點精神不濟,整個車隊悄無聲息,只有大卡車呼嘯過耳邊的聲音,所幸沒人因此受傷。老師也在最後叮嚀我們要保持清醒,大聲傳口號,希望大家今天早點休息後,明天能養好體力,挑戰總長114公里的路程,成功穿越壽卡公路。 The most crucial and tough part of today was mostly caused by the pain and stress that had built up from the past three days. But because we only rode a total of 65 kilometers today, we were not in as much pain. At the end of the day, our teacher reminded us to remain awake, pass our own 10C slogan call, and wished us luck for tomorrow’s long ride of 114kilometers.
( 心情隨筆|校園筆記 ) |