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Water-resistant、water-repellent 和 waterproof 的防水差異
2018/10/08 16:31:01瀏覽75674|回應2|推薦0
Water-resistant、water-repellent 和 waterproof 經常出現在各種產品中,到底它們的防水程度如何,在中文的部落格裡,我們看到對於 Water-resistant 和 water-repellent 一致性錯誤的理解,讓我們透過 Longman Dictionary 來查看其定義:

water-resistantsomething that is water resistant does not allow water to enter easily
water-repellent: material that is water-repellent has been covered with a substance that makes water run off it, so that it does not become wet
waterproof: not allowing water to enter

water-resistant:防水程度最低,只能抗洗手、小雨的水量,例如一般手錶經常使用 water resistant。

water-repellent: 經過特殊防水塗層處理,具防潑水功能、排汗功能,例如登山外套及帽子,可以抵抗數小時不等的大雨,但最終仍然會變溼,而且經過一段時間的清洗後,該塗層將會逐漸消失,喪失防水功能。

waterproof:具備完全防水功能,水不會滲透,像超市賣的數百元雨衣就是 100% 完全防水,但如果穿這種雨衣去爬山,就會外面下大雨,裡面下小雨,因為它不具備排汗功能,waterproof 也是有分等級的,像機車用品店賣的雨衣,雖然可以買到比較長、較大的 size,而且也比較貴,但它的防水性和耐用性卻不如超市賣的3、4百元雨衣。
( 知識學習語言 )
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2023/08/01 20:49
I had always been rather confused about the differences between these terms, until now! I guess some information on Water & FireDamage  Restoration https://www.hurricanellc.com/ was all that was required to find out about the differences. It's as simple as that really.(fidoyam681@orlydns.com)

2022/09/05 17:03
I had no idea what the difference between water resistant and repellent is, I thought they were the same. I also thought all water filters were the same. But I guess there's differences in pretty much all of it.(kosoci7655@emailnube.com)