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2006/01/25 21:30:44瀏覽1710|回應2|推薦9 | |
[店裡的招牌套餐〕 I will never forget the day a woman got upset in my restaurant when I was having lunch with my family there. The restaurant was full that day. At first, all the servers were working hard, and the customers looked happy. Everyone was having a good time when suddenly someone started shouting loudly. I found a woman I have never seen before roaring at a cook in the kitchen. I tried to help her, but she refused angrily. She even barked out a string of dirty words at me. After that, she walked out from the kitchen and sat at the sushi bar. She said that she didn't like talking with a woman like my style and asked my husband to solve the problem--she supposed my husband was the real restaurateur. Suddenly, someone answered soon, "I am her husband, but she runs the restaurant."--my husband held my kinds' hands and stood behind me. Then she started complaining about the delayed food, the impolite waiters, and being treated like an unwelcome person. She sometimes shouted, sometimes cried, or just stared blankly. She even asked the waiter to kneel down before her. Although she was angry, she unexpectedly praised our delicious shrimps when she was having them. She cried and said, "The fried shrimps are so delicious, and this is why i ordered them again. Imust finished all of them." When I was pacifying the woman, one of the watiers whispered in my ear "Her husband paid the bill and left when the woman got upset. He said that his wife is sick." After I stood beside her and apologized to her constantly for more than an hour, she was finally calm. Her daughter, a teenager, sat across from her and lowered her head in silence from beginning to end. 後記:1 為了交”功課”, 才讓自己有機會將那天發生的事再回顧一次!! 其實在過程中, 我沒有一點怒氣, 只是真心的感受到她的”怨”!! 當時的她, 情緒真的完全失控, 不斷的大聲咆哮哭鬧, 完全無視她的女兒正無助害怕的坐在那兒. 甚至有些看不下去的客人, 開始指責她; 也有客人要替她付款, 但請她離開, 知道她狀況的我, 一面安撫她, 另外, 亦請其他客人信任我, 由我來處理. 站在她身邊不斷的向她致歉, 並體會她當時的處境, 她幾乎與所有在場的人為敵. 她要那位服務員向她下跪賠不是. 並要我承諾開除該員, 並永遠不得錄用......那真是很特別的一天, 因為當天2點要開股東會, 所以股東們陸續到達店裡; 我最好的朋友也帶著她的小女兒及先生到店裡用餐. 所以, 我的家人, 朋友, 股東, 員工及客人(一到假日, 我的客人就會帶著家人來)都陪著我經歷這一個事件. 她加點的炸蝦來了!! 我永遠無法忘記她一邊哭, 一邊說:實在是太好吃了!! 所以我才會再點ㄚ!! 我自己點的, 我一定要把它吃光光....... 用餐時間結束了!! 我抱著朋友的女兒在Lobby玩,同時也趁機向每位客人致歉, 並要櫃檯簽發用餐折價券給客人. 沒有任何人抱怨!! 真的沒有....甚至有第一次來的客人拿名片給我, 並告知, 若有後續的糾紛, 儘管打電話給他, 他會替我出來作證(因為那為生氣的客人說要到消基會告我.) 那女人準備離去, 問我手裡抱著是不是我的小孩, 我要小女孩向阿嗯(伯母台語發音)說再見, 她還告訴我, 應該喊奶奶才對!! 平靜下來的她, 其實是很親切的. 當我開完股東會, 開車準備離去時, 竟然看到她一個人坐在路邊的花臺旁(就在餐廳旁邊), 落寞, 孤單的身形........ |
( 心情隨筆|工作職場 ) |