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2023/11/06 22:23:52瀏覽744|回應3|推薦94 | |
每到秋冬時節 , 天氣陰霾濕冷 , 就讓人變得善感起來 , 感嘆歲月的流逝 , 青春的不再 , 不禁想起了從前 , 青春年少時為了追尋夢想及實現理想 , 總是像一陣風似地 , 匆匆忙忙的向前奔波 , 不知錯過了多少的美好事物。 曾經讀過一篇文章 , 是作家陳克華寫的《我的天》, 還附有一張雨後清明柔澈天光的照片, 引人入勝 , 在文末他寫道 :「原來 , 上天對我們是如此厚愛--------而我們所要做的 , 只是抬起頭來 , 睜開雙眼用心去看。天 , 原來如此美麗莊嚴 , 豐富多彩 , 一如每一個人類原來的自己。」這引起我的共鳴 , 的確是這樣 , 只要抬起頭來 , 睜開雙眼 , 用心去看 , 美好的事物就在眼前。 雖然退休多年 , 日子依舊忙碌 , 但是學會了放慢腳步 , 也能體會「行到水窮處 , 坐看雲起時」的意境 , 更做到了偶爾駐足一下 , 去感受周邊的人、事、物 , 且得到了不少的回報 , 如 : 對花開花謝、燦爛楓紅及天邊彩雲的悸動 , 讓我享受到生活的美好。 周作人說 : 「喝茶當於瓦屋紙窗下 , 清泉綠茶 , 用素雅的陶瓷茶具 , 同二 、 三人共飲 , 得半日之閒 , 可抵十年塵夢。」 我有三位志同道合的摯友 , 我們四個人 , 不定期的相約 , 喝茶、吃飯 、聊天 、 唱歌 , 我們約會時不提當年勇 , 也不感嘆過往愁苦 , 更不憂慮未來 , 就只是用心享受著當下的浮生半日閒 , 讓聚會成為「心的相聚」。 當然 , 人與人之間是由各種因緣而聚散離合 , 緣生、緣滅都有定數 , 但是 , 人生不過短短數十寒暑 ,不能要求太多 , 只要用心的去感受 , 把最好的留到最後 , 即使是短暫的 , 只要能得到一絲絲的歡樂 , 也就值得了。 接著請欣賞我唱的這首英文老歌 : 《Save The Best For Last》
Sometimes the snow comes down in June Sometimes the sun goes round the moon I see the passion in your eyes Sometimes its all a big surprise Cause there was a time when all I did was wish Youd tell me this was love Its not the way I hoped or how I planned But somehow its enough And now were standing face to face Isnt this world a crazy place? Just when I thought our chance had passed You go and save the best for last **** All of the nights you came to me When some silly girl had set you free You wondered how youd make it through I wondered what was wrong with you Cause how could you give your love to someone else And share your dreams with me Sometimes the very thing youre looking for Is the one thing you cant see But now were standing face to face Isnt this world a crazy place? Just when I thought our chance had passed You go and save the best for last **** Sometimes the very thing youre looking for Is the one thing you cant see Sometimes the snow comes down in June Sometimes the sun goes round the moon Just when I thought our chance had passed You go and save the best for last You went and saved the best for last |
( 創作|散文 ) |