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2012/10/16 03:26:25瀏覽8613|回應0|推薦1 | |
*花精之友在2019年4月出版主持人親自拍攝與編譯的《巴哈花精學習卡》* 正面花語 the cleansing remedy for mind and body. Assitance against pollution and contamination. For internal and eternal use. Ability to control thoughts and recognize difficulties and be acceptable again to oneself. Can see things in correct perspective, Broadminded. 這是可以清潔心靈與身體的花精 幫助人對抗污染,對內對外都有用 能夠館裡好思緒且辨別出困難所在, 且接受那也是整體 用正確的光點看事物,使心胸寬廣 巴哈醫師原文 This is the remedy of cleansing. For those who feel as if they had something not quite clean about themselves. Often it is something of apparently little importance: in others there may be more serious disease which is almost disregarded compared to the one thing on which they concentrate. In both types they are anxious to be free from the one particular thing which is greatest in their minds and which seems so essential to them that it should be cured. They become despondent if treatment fails. Being a cleanser, this remedy purifies wounds if the patient has reason to believe that some poison has entered which must be drawn out. 有清洁净化作用的花精。 这些人觉得自己不是那么洁净。 眼睛只盯着小病小痛:跟其他严重病患比起来, 这不过是可忽略不计的小问题,而他们却盯着不放。 不论是不洁净感,还是小病小痛,对他们来说都是大事情, 很焦虑,必须要尽快处理,摆脱这些困扰。 如果治疗失败,他们会很绝望。 如果病人有理由相信毒物污染了伤口,该花精可清洁净化伤口。 New bach Flower Therapies這本書的作者Dietmar Karmer,是運用巴哈花精在德國治療師,這系列文章是要跟大家分享Karmer臨床經驗上怎麼從你說的話找到選花精的關鍵,當然也推薦去讀Dr. Bach對花精描述的原文(文末提供連結),下個段落則是製造巴哈花精公司Healing Herbs的Julian的書中,了解植物特性與花精內涵,這幾本書翻譯與比較,提供給各位了解與研究花精參考。
酸蘋果人是很負責且有潔癖的,他們總有驅動想要完美且又可能變得迂腐,這是因為狂熱的愛整潔和完美所造成。酸蘋果人不只是外在表現出有強迫性潔癖的主婦,也可能是看似無害表現優秀的學生身上,那些學生一定要完成他的功課到一定的程度才行; 這些人容易覺得很不夠乾淨,不僅是對物質環境的灰塵、細菌、水珠或排泄物等,這對他們是很不乾淨的。也會有"心理"上的潔癖例如不能忍受不潔思緒與壞情緒。酸蘋果人對任何沒秩序很敏感,只有在每個事物都在對的位置上時,他們才會找到內心的平靜。
為什麼人會有這種極端的狀態呢,那是因為身心上的恐懼引起的嗎? 我們知道岩泉水(Rock water,參考網頁http://blog.udn.com/jharna/6864147)是害怕背離他們的理想,怕事情導向他們不喜歡的非道德方向,而酸蘋果人在極端的例子上,可以看到他們會避免接近"不乾淨"的人例如抽菸的人、吃肉的人或"無信仰"的人。因為他岩泉水人無法關掉自己這種個性,因此總會覺得內心不夠潔淨,內心總有一種禁止的驅動,這會讓酸蘋果人陷入狹隘的道德標準。
酸蘋果也可用於許多症狀,例如濕疹(eczema)、過敏(allergies)和傷口感染(infected wounds),可以搭配使用濕紗布(compress)、軟膏(ointment)或化妝品軟膏(ointment dressings),可避免感染或處理已經被感染之處,酸蘋果對此非常有效。
花精植物特性 中文翻譯: 野生酸蘋果、海棠、山楂、西洋苹果
野生酸蘋的美麗不是那種感傷的,而是清澈透明的感覺,就像一道白色軸光清理了內心。野生酸蘋果很香,但果實卻很苦澀。有許多種酸蘋果都能做成此花精,現在所知道的是苦味款bitter apple特別帶著有益健康的礦物質,幫助消化且能清潔腸胃系統。這個花精可以幫助清潔毒物,帶來身體全新的活力。蘋果可以與永恆的維納斯(Venus)有關,具體展現了不滅的象徵。
* I want to attract only positive attention.
* I am very painstaking in my job.
* I feel unclean if I cannot fulfill my own expectations.
* Everything has to be neat and perfect or else I create stress for myself. If I am not successful, I feel like a loser afterward.
* I often torture myself with little things and get stuck in details.
* I am very touchy about disorder. It really annoys me, in myself or in others.
* I am afraid of infections.
* I am disgusted by snakes and spiders.
* I take a shower at least once a day.
* Sometimes I even wash my hair twice a day.
* I am very fussy about cleanliness; it is almost a phobia.
* I cant use a toilet that is not mine; that is how disgusted I feel by it.
* I feel disgust for my own excrement and therefore do not like to eat becasue I dont want to digest.
* There are situation in which I feel I have to clean myself. Then I take shower or make myself vomit.
* When I eat too much or the wrong food, I put my finger down my throat to vomit. Otherwise I feel unclean.
* I feel that my body is unclean.
* I feel that sexuailty is something dirty.
* I constantly try to defend myself against the negative and try not to get poisoned.
* Im afraid of getting mentally infected by bad company.
* I dont know to have anything to do with drinkers or idlers.
* I feel internally unclean, especially after anger.
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