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一年後的這個時候她再度造訪。After one year in the same season, she visited again.
2017/03/14 16:56:33瀏覽893|回應0|推薦50
ㄧ次三個加起來近三百歲的法國人,在異鄉一個島嶼東岸偏僻小村落的感動時刻⋯⋯⋯A touching moment at the isolated village of the east coast in the island far far away from home, emerged at three French whose age is totally near three hundred years old.

ㄧ樣的主要行程,到玉里。 已經生根東台灣四十多年的法國人,帶著二度來訪的法國人,再度造訪植根東台灣六十年的法國人;趕在離開前三十分鐘的會面,為她此行劃下美好的句點。 The same major schedule to YuLi. The French rooting Taiwan for over 40 years, led the French at her second visit to the French rooting for 60 years. Rushing to the chat around 30 minutes before leaving made a wonderful period for this journey.

生氣盎然的悠然小徑,引我們進入潘世光神父的小屋,這裏他完成了阿美族語的字典。生活上只有講阿美族語的他,也生疏地用國語跟我說,他很少有機會講法語。 The lively tranquil path guided us to the old father's cottage, where he might have finished the complications of the Amis dictionary. In his daily life,Amis is his only language. He spoke to me with a not so fluent Mandolin that he had seldom chance to speak French.

劉一峰神父幫我們介紹潘神父小屋前他年輕時栽種的一棵咖啡樹,以前有精力時,就把自栽自收的咖啡豆烘焙好煮來喝。 Fr. Ives introduced us the coffee tree planted by the old Father who sometimes when was younger made the coffee for himself.

同場加映: 跟足療按摩的吳若石神父ㄧ樣,劉神父的台語也是講得比我們這一代以後的台灣人還經典。 劉神父三十多年來每週兩次必會探視玉里榮總及玉里療養院,在回程快到玉里天主堂時,神父接到一通矯揉聲音的電話,偶爾摻一兩個可能從劉神父那學來的法文字,問侯神父並說中秋節要帶月餅給他吃、還要去巴梨等等,神父都是一貫地耐心回應,由於他都是用擴音接電話,我們旁邊的人聽得都覺得有趣;掛了電話,神父就發了一聲非常台的~啊喲喂啊⋯⋯我也被他這一聲給逗笑了。 神父接著解釋,這個小姐住玉里醫院時,他曾去探視,現在已經回台北。

( 在地生活花東 )
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