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university life is not too long
2014/06/19 10:22:58瀏覽97|回應0|推薦0

That year, she was sixteen years old, the first time like the last guy. He is not very tall, elegant, but likes playing football very much, with a low voice, the result is very good, often is the first of class. Although at that time, love is not what big question, girls chase boys are no longer news, she is not the kind of introverted girl. But she never wanted to tell the truth, just think, could have been so far to enjoy him, is very good.

At that time, she often is met him on the way, say hello to a half day, often after school to also do not go back, but the sports field one and otherly jog, just to see him play. She also learns to fold a lucky star, every day to write a sentence to say to him in the small piece of paper, folded into a small lucky star, happy to put in the big bottle. She often watched he thought, as he did the boys, should be like the gentle and kind girl, has a pitch black long straight hair, a pair of watery eyes, happy time can smile girl. Her hair was black, but only to the ear side, she has a pair of big eyes, but often laugh and narrowed. She often look in the mirror and think, if one day she became a kind of girl, he will love her. But to return to, she still runs monthly to the barber shop to slightly a bit long hair short to the ear edge, or encountered a funny thing is laughing, laughing eyes narrowed into slits.

She is nineteen years old, admitted to a not very good but not bad in the university. He admitted to normal play, the key university in another city. She sat the train left the students she raised her town, come to mind is she dribs and drabs and his memory. University life is hard to 20 days of military life began. The evening before going to sleep, the other girls all hide secretly call in bed with her boyfriend to tell each other the feeling of Acacia, her many times to finish the number keys that several familiar, never press the call key. For nineteen years, first know what is missing, originally, missing is a can make people be rather baffling to tear strength. Four years of university life is not too long, lively single news of the cancelled A350s badly indicated what the motive could be chart at the time of release Micra Transcatheter Pacing System The Court Hotel new foods list.

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