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you always say dad eccentric
2014/06/18 09:14:29瀏覽122|回應0|推薦0

The sick father. In particular, every time I go to see him, he would talk nineteen to the dozen said that a half day. And he said to me: "you gave birth to a serious illness, nearly died. The doctor said you haven't saved, not for you, too busy to challenges selfishness and criticizes revisionism. Your mother can't, running to me. I was at work, a listen to be nasty. I went to the hospital, forcing doctors and rescue you. I said if you't save my daughter, I will tell you desperately, terrified doctor. He will give you a blood transfusion, I said nothing to let the doctor. I was just off the night shift, dizziness." Listen to the description of father, childhood memories like a movie showing in my mind: the primary school, every rainy day, father will pick me up at the school. If the rain splashed my trouser legs, all the way back to my home. Also on the road walking and said: "who wants a little girl? I sell the little girl. My daughter is smart and beautiful, you do you want to buy?" Lying in the back of my father was shouting: "do not sell, not sell! To sell to sell his brother." The father then said: "your brother brat, nobody wanted!" While he was saying this, he didn't notice brother beside him.

Remember once, maybe when I was four or five years old, I'm in the canal side pull flowers, accidentally fell into the ditch. The fast flowing, all of a sudden I ran out of good far. Father was far away, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest, a feeling that I was going to happen, so he was riding along, turned me from the water out. I'm up already in, he again late come to one step, I'm afraid I won't be around in.

In the last days of his life in the father, has some insane. Sometimes I go to see him, he would not feel my existence. However, at her father's memorial service, brother tearfully said such a thing to me: my father two days before his death, sudden sudden spurt of vitality prior to collapse. He called his brother to the side, sincere words and earnest wishes to say to him: "you always say dad eccentric, dad was your sister, so your sister was so self willed. Your sister has offended you, you don't blame her, blame it on me, I put her spoiled! You must look after your sister, your brother, your sister. You must not matter." Oh, father, I deeply love the father, you let me how to repay you for my sea deep tunnel of love?

Wrote here, I was already in tears. My father is a book, my daughter is a reader, I think I can only use the life the time carefully to read this book, can enjoy the book of sour, sweet, bitter, hot, can realize the true meaning of life bringing the forex currency market ���^С�������ڴ���p�� ֔��/�������aˮע�ⶬ��Óˮ effet organis�� contr?le de math��matiques dry the next moment without me sunlight!

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