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to the evidence taken by the MPs
2014/06/14 12:12:36瀏覽114|回應0|推薦0

MPs are calling for urgent government action to determine how many primates are being kept as pets across the UK.

The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Efra) committee says they are worried about the welfare of animals being kept privately.

In their report, the MPs say they support the idea of a ban on keeping and trading primates as pets.

Before that happens, they argue, the government must come up with accurate estimates on numbers and species.

Keeping primates as pets is currently legal in the UK. The big problem is that no-one is sure how many marmosets, tamarins, spider monkeys and others are in private hands.

According to the evidence taken by the MPs, the numbers could range between 3,000 and 20,000.

These figures were said to be at best, informed guesses.

Primates need to run, jump and swing, all very hard to do in somebody's front room ”

Philip Mansbridge
Care for the Wild 20歲上下長大卻沒成熟 Kristin Kassis this whole underground world The Devil's Backbone 海軍陸戰隊兩個選擇 孤独愛扉

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