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victim mentality that the cards have been dealt
2014/06/12 17:30:30瀏覽96|回應0|推薦0

The overarching lesson is simple, McKeown wrote. “When organising your life, there are only two options: The disciplined pursuit of the essential or the undisciplined pursuit of the nonessential,” he wrote. “And that matters because if you don’t prioritise your life, someone else will.”

Theresa Sullivan, career coach at Wayfinder Advisors

Sometimes, we can be our own worst enemies, contended Sullivan in her post Five Lies that Could be Ruining Your Career (and Your Life).

“That voice we hear in our head recites some pretty interesting narratives so often and so frequently that we really start believing them after a while,” she wrote. “These… turn into our beliefs about ourselves, others and the world in general. They create our reality.”

The trouble is, what we think in our own minds creates a reality that is also just our own. “There are as many different realities… as there are human beings,” Sullivan wrote. “That’s good, because it means the reality we live in isn’t already fixed.”

Then there are the “lies people tell themselves that keep them in jobs and careers and relationships that are bad for them,” she wrote. “It's often easier to have a victim mentality that the cards have been dealt and whatever you've ended up with is all you'll ever have, or that you really have no options left, except terrible ones, and everybody knows it 撒���古色默然 新婚燕�到哽咽呼吸 老太快�明太� 心情笑看春秋更替 放�了�暖的河流.”

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