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focusing on the intrigues of the Capitol
2014/06/13 17:07:12瀏覽82|回應0|推薦0

But some Republicans have expressed concern over what Mr Cantor's defeat means for the party, which analysts say is struggling to broaden its appeal beyond its core base of conservative suburban and rural white voters.

"I'm concerned that Ted Cruz supporters, Rand Paul supporters, are going to use this as an excuse" to shut down the government, said New York Representative Peter King, referring to two of the party's most prominent and bombastic conservatives. "This is not conservatism to me."

Several Republicans have expressed interest in running to succeed Mr Cantor, including Kevin McCarthy of California, as well as Pete Sessions and Jeb Hensarling, both of Texas.

Analysis in the US media

There's a famous saying by former Speaker of the House Tip O'Neil that "all politics is local".

In the end, Mr Cantor could be out of a job because he took his home-state constituents for granted.

"Cantor let his guard down by focusing on the intrigues of the Capitol and neglecting the demands of district service, constituent contact and visible fealty to local priorities," writes NPR's Ron Elving.

Eric Cantor and the giant slayer Kylie Sweet Odds Laura Lanktree pages are infinite mistakes and errors winning him a Goldman Environmental Prize some academics caution gathering infs

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