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have given him the penalty
2014/06/11 09:20:45瀏覽50|回應0|推薦0
It was a hard decision to hit Sergio Perez with a five-place grid penalty at the next race for causing the big crash between his Force India and Felipe Massa's Williams at the start of the last lap, but the stewards must have had a good reason to make it.

From the initial television footage, it was not clear what had happened. In fact, it looked a bit like Massa might have made a misjudgement, even if it is the sort of error he tends not to make.

But the stewards have access to the data from the cars, static cameras on the track, in-car footage and so on. Teams can make their own representations for prosecution and defence.

There is a rule that says a driver defending his position can make one move, before the braking zone. If it looks like Perez deviated from what would be his normal line while on the brakes, even in a minor way, he has to be penalised.

This is not a referee blowing the whistle in the heat of the moment for a penalty. This is the stewards fully analysing the situation with all the data available.

The stewards have dissected it and we have an answer, and that is the end of it.

We have to believe there was more than a reasonable doubt that Perez was responsible otherwise they wouldn't have given him the penalty ��ĩ��ʼ�ΰ���
to those living above the land
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