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ferry company led to poor safety standards
2014/06/12 15:30:02瀏覽56|回應0|推薦0

President Park Geun-Hye this week urged police and prosecutors to step up a nationwide manhunt for Mr Yoo.

"Yoo must be brought to justice," Ms Park said.

Mr Yoo is wanted as part of an ongoing investigation into embezzlement and tax fraud.

Investigators are also questioning whether corruption or mismanagement within the ferry company led to poor safety standards.

Mr Yoo, 74, a leading religious figure, is believed to own the Chonghaejin Marine company that operated the sunken ferry.

Hundreds of church followers built a blockade in front of the compound but did not try to stop the police from entering the premises, Yonhap news agency reported.

The followers were said to have been staging a sit-in, arguing that the church had nothing to do with allegations raised by investigators.

A similar raid of the church's main compound in May turned up no trace of him.

South Korean authorities have raised the reward for information on his whereabouts to almost $500,000 (��300,000) �Ļ���ʧȥ��������� Ц�Ɍ�н��н����һ�� ���������Դ�Ԑ� ̨�׵��������� �n���������ĻÉ�.

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