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loved ones away from you you can cry
2014/06/25 13:49:49瀏覽117|回應0|推薦0


My son, see Yuet letter!

Since you were born, we passed 1643 morning and evening together. To tell you the truth, if not this time, dad also really have never thought, will communicate with you in the "letter" way, so write, but there is a little surprise flitted through his mind.

Remember, when you were in your mother belly, it is very naughty, with you for ten months, your mother has not eaten a good meal for 8 months, eat to be spat, is very hard. Early in the morning of June 12, 2009, close your eyes, cry bitter tears, I do not know is that left nearly ten months of "greenhouse" and wronged tears, or because the world Xi and cry came the long awaited, but all care about you, love you laughed. Especially your mother, after the operation a little pale face, filled with a happy smile. In June 12th, every year on this day, as your birthday, but my father wanted to tell you, after you, no matter where in the world, at any level, in time for their own birthday, this day remember 2009, is your mother's suffering day. Dad wishes, in each birthday you later, when the harvest of blessing, please give your mother a Thanksgiving wishes, in any form.

Time flies, in the twinkling of an eye you are middle-class children, Dad hope you grow up earlier, to become a man of indomitable spirit. On the road of growing up, my dad some known life experience with you, or a bit of advice for you.

One, learn to respect

No matter how, your environment, we must learn to respect others, so that you can win the respect. Of course, this world is not you imagine that simple, some not worthy of respect, no respect, but do not deliberately offend.

Two, learn to be strong

Whether it is now, or in the future, dad didn't want to see you cry. The man's tears as precious as gold, no matter what happens, smiling face. Unless, you loved ones away from you, you can cry, or who are not worth.

Three, humble and confident it was a dental prosthesis paper attracted criticism offer data from modern humans fighting �����������`���� started thinking about different coaches

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