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Just imagine if the environment from me
2014/06/25 17:51:37瀏覽123|回應0|推薦0

People often say that heaven and hell, in fact there is no heaven and hell, they are only in the human mind, has six primary afflictions slow, in the torment in hell, abandon the six primary afflictions slow, home in heaven. Corrupt officials, where is heaven? In prison. Their hell where? In official circles. Maybe you will laugh, but you will understand: they are worried about their accumulated wealth of day and night, sins, in that day will One's criminal conspiracy was unmasked., in jail, suffer a big. Like a murderer, sirens rang, greatly frightened., isn't this hell? Once after the incident, lying in the prison, sigh, everything has been put down, every day to sleep until daylight, isn't this paradise? Heaven and hell is no respectively, has respectively is exciting, but just a different point of view, the feeling is not the same, you heaven, hell is other people; people's paradise, it is your hell!

Life is infinite, but students self screen out, often facing the "television screen" smile, be free from things of the world; life, is also in a day dream, playing different roles, grief at separation and joy in Union, the taste of life sour, sweet, bitter, hot. On TV recently hit the world cup, a lot of people are crazy, or hail, or sad. Only one call the cloud two published about: "this evening a few days, comfortably on the sofa, eating the chicken claw, drinking cold beer, TV more than 20 level of Regal, sweating, run out, tired as a bastard calf like play to me, I feel very happy, very meet!"

The Dharma from shore to shore, is from his "reality" TV out, sitting in the "screen", watching others act, and then laughed.

There is a saying: "where you stand, it is your China. How about you, and how Chinese. What are you, China is what. You have the light, China will not be dark." This word, it is the realm of buddha. Just imagine, if the environment from me �ˤ��w��Ό��� �ڸɻ�μ��� �����cComcast�m���Ӱ ���������V �������Ӥ��ʤ�

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