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expressionless face in front of the intrigues
2014/06/25 15:20:36瀏覽164|回應0|推薦0

When you come out, heaven and earth, I lost the time.

When you walk, jittery, I lost the memories.

Like a long time ago, sun Qing City, in the shadow around. All coincidence and nature, whether it is meeting or separation, the memory of the people and things, always in the first inadvertently passed from the fingers, and then, some things, has become the past, the blink of an eye, some people, a turn around is a lifetime.

But, today many years later, I will often dream back to the past. Remember the path into the film into a piece of shade, reminded each morning sunshine through the leaves gaps formed a Dao Guangshu fell on the ground, into the star point, will our eyes lit. Think of each wind in my face, warm smile, in the town merged into a memory of light the great mission of penetrate into our mind, over and over again in the years rolling undercurrent.

But, when the reality of the storm is coming, we are incapable of action, only to indulge in pleasures without stop memory. Day by day, year by year, old age. Maybe it is because we are still young, so when the laughter dilute the ideal for the reality of sadness. Behoove think so years would run through our youth, as in the past. Indeed, the world cannot stop a person changes, like can't stop him up. But when I see you write the cold, but the people, cool but human time, sad all the way. I think, one day we can expressionless face in front of the intrigues of the world, at that time, everything should not important. Those in the young sing out the dream of, one day be Su Su ashes, and will not return ��ϻؑ����c ������Ļ�Y�������� Algeria Cabinet has announced it �cף������ϵ�У�� Mr Cantor widely favoured to win.

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