
英國水石書店聯手企鵝出版社將獨家銷售由企鵝出版社重新設計的10本精裝版名著,其中包括《霧都孤兒》(Oliver Twist)和《奧德賽》(The Odyssey)。
據報導,此精裝版名著系列為「企鵝經典圖書出版項目」的一部分,從2008年開始出版,去年共出版了10本,也是由水石書店獨家銷售的。企鵝出版社的高級封面設計師Coralie Bickford-Smith負責此名著系列的封面設計工作。他是根據每本名著的故事內容來設計封面。每本名著都採用一個具有象徵意義的對象作為封面。例如,《愛瑪》(Emma)的封面是椅子,因為它的內容都是與社交、禮儀相關的。從10月5日起,這10本精裝版名著將由水石書店和水石書店網站獨家銷售,單價為12.99英鎊。企鵝出版社的營銷主管尼可拉.黑爾(Nicola Hill)表示今年即將推出的經典名著是瞄準聖誕節市場,他說:「有很大一部分客戶將是禮品書市場的客戶,而他們當中也有不乏有很多喜愛經典名著的自購者。」

Coralie Bickford-Smith 訪談
1.你如何定義企鵝設計在書籍裝幀史或當代設計中的位置?How do you define the position of Penguin design in book design fields nowadays?
Penguin is renowned for its design heritage. This has recently been recognised on a series of postage stamps celebrating British design classics, featuring Penguin alongside Concorde and the underground map. The importance of good and innovative design remains integral to Penguin and as designers we are encouraged to pursue bold, creative ideas and build on the company's strong reputation.
2.你覺得企鵝的成功是大眾媒體主導的代表案例嗎?Do you believe
that the success of Penguin is an typical example case of success of mass media.
Penguin was founded on the principle of bringing good writing to the masses. The introduction of quality, affordable paperbacks in 1935 revolutionised the publishing industry.

3.你大概為企鵝做了多少個封面設計?你最喜歡的有哪幾個?How many book covers have you designed for Penguin? Which ones are your favourites?
I have lost count as I have been working in house at Penguin for almost seven years now. I have many favourites, each with its own story behind how and why it was created the way it was. I really love the Gothic Horrors series with there cyanotype illustrations and stark colours, and also the Hardback Classics for their colour combinations, materials and patterns.
4.在電子閱讀越來越泛化的當下,傳統書籍設計會不會像CD產業一樣萎縮?Will the traditional paper base books have the CD industry's destiny- be eliminated through competition under the situation of electronic reading is more and more popular?
These are exciting times. Electronic devices offer huge potential benefits in terms of capacity, ease of distribution and interactivity, and publishers will
respond to that and give readers what they want. From a designer's point of view, there is a lot of uncharted territory, which is always an interesting situation to be in. A lot of attention will be focused on the design of the devices, but there is a lot of room for improvement and innovation in the design of ebooks themselves, especially where typography is concerned. Let's not forget, though, that the book is a tremendously successful technology that has worked for hundreds of years. Paper books may not be produced in the same quantities in the future, but I don't see them dying out. Demand for the book as a tactile, beautiful object will remain for a long time.

5.在走過70年之後,和其他出版社相比企鵝還有沒有美學上的特質和優勢?After 70 years long journey, will Penguin have its own distinguishing characteristics and advantages in aesthetically compared to other publishers?
Next year will be Penguin's 75th anniversary. In that time Penguin has become something of a public institution, and a globally recognised brand with a great design history. The publishing industry is far more varied and competitive now than it ever has been, and communicating that brand identity, along with the identity of individual books, is a more complex task than it was when Penguin first ushered in the quality paperback. We still have iconic series like the Black Classics and Modern Classics with a prominent brand identity, but while once it was enough for all Penguins to sport the same tri-band uniform cover, now our output contains immense variety. The distinguishing characteristics of Penguin forward thinking, creativity and quality, and these are not bound by a particular design grid.
6.你心目中歷史上最偉大的書籍設計師是誰?現在最值得你欣賞的書籍設計師是誰?Who do you think is the greatest book designer in history? Who is your favorite book designer nowadays?
William Blake for me is the greatest book designer in history. He was innovative, experimental, and a true visionary. He was also the master of the whole process, writing, illustrating, designing and printing his books. Nowadays I love the work of Irma Boom. The vibrant energy she brings to the books she designs, the inventiveness and attention to detail, are amazing.
對我而言,William Blake是史上最出色的書籍設計師。他敢於創新,具有實驗精神,是一個真正的視覺製造者。他從寫作到插畫,設計,印刷各方面都是一位全能大師。當代設計師中我的最愛是伊瑪.布(Irma Boom)。她的設計令整本書充滿活力,她的創造性和對細節的處理同樣令人歎為觀止。
7.如果讓你選一本最想做的書,會是誰的?或是怎樣的?if you just have one chance to design a book cover, Whose book will you want to design best and how will you design it?
That's an impossible choice - the notion of only being able to design one more cover is heartbreaking! I would love to get my hands on a McSweeny's Quarterly though - they're so inventive, with a huge scope for fitting form to content in intriguing ways. That level of creative freedom to experiment with the book as an object, and with unusual materials, would be glorious.

Coralie Bickford-Smith是今年才熟知的設計師,另一位浸透在傳統裡的年輕人。在進企鵝設計部之前,她曾有一段「慘痛」經歷——替一家超市做那些免費雜誌,就是因為這個引起了企鵝藝術總監Jim Stoddart的注意,好比你無時無刻地在做家樂福的DM,突然一天中青社給你一個電話讓你去上班了……所以,才華不會因為是一張廉價的傳單而被埋沒,但你要忍得住。