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品小說、評小說【Love, Rosie】
2008/08/07 17:44:15瀏覽2906|回應1|推薦22

買了一堆應時的卡片,有父親節的,有合適各節日的,也有萬用的。我想購齊後若有需要時就可以應時的將卡片寄出,呵呵~想想,好久沒有看英文小說,看看最近有什麼英文書吧!還正巧碰上外文書籍打折耶~。記得自從看完 Mitch Albom 的 For One More Day 之後,現在除了看英文聖經,好像就沒有再買過什麼其他英文書籍來看了說!

翻來翻去、挑挑揀揀的,也不曉得為什麼有點發現我看書的胃口好像改變了耶!不過,倒是讓我發現了 Cecelia Ahern 這個作者,就是寫《PS, I Love You》的作者。她是愛爾蘭總理的女兒,因對寫作的熱愛讓她二十多歲就出了她的處女作《PS, I Love You》而一鳴驚人,還拍成電影,我都沒機會看就下檔了!而我買的這本故事是說 Alex 和 Rosie 他們從小一同在愛爾蘭長大、一同經歷成長的故事。

才一讀,沒想到竟發現實在太好看了,實在愛不釋手! 我一邊看一邊期待書裡所講的男女主角從小友誼發展的故事,等著看他們如何面對愛情時的掙扎,更想看他們彼此分別進入婚姻後各自的挫折如何能持續分享,還有怎麼分享工作上的成就,看未來能不能持續的經過五十年以後,還依舊長存著友誼,還有他們的關係會不會有進一步的發展?或者說他們這樣堅定的友情,在婚姻中的另一半的眼光裡,他們的友情真的是單純的【友達以上、戀人未滿】的友誼嗎?

大約有近500頁的《Love, Rosie》很快就可以看完了,可以看到底這本書的結局,他們的友誼有沒有昇華成愛情呢?在這我不是故意賣關子,是希望留給讀者去看。

這本小說主體不同於《PS, I Love You》,看了心情並不會變沈重,反而是很甜美、很搞笑、也很精彩刺激,故事從兩人五歲開始,一直講起到他們五十歲,看到幾乎是進入最後一章(50)了,女主角也已經過完四十歲生日了,我仍然還是維持我的想法,一對很好的異性好朋友,若一開始的時候沒有變成男女朋友,未來就不會再是男女朋友了!書中有很多的其他角色,也曾經這麼說過;但是在同他們一起長大的,還有他們身旁的至親好友們,看著他倆之間發生的種種,真是就是那句大家說的『錯的時間遇上對的人』,明明就是倆個對的人,但偏偏時間總是錯的!

而且啊~~這本書讀起來的內容形式也不同於我以前看過的其他英文小說書,因為作者用一連串的字條(例如小時候在班上傳的紙條)、信件、簡訊、或 email 等等,或在網上聊天室裡的「訊息」來構成,由這些片面的訊息中拼湊出故事的全貌,感覺很即時,讀起來真的很有意思。



( 心情隨筆單身日記 )
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2008/09/05 15:01
我 Google 到一個網,很棒耶!是個 Reading Group Guides,這網很正喔!都有一些讓讀者延伸思考的問題,很有意思。像這本書啊,也要讓你延伸思考的問題就有11題耶~讓你的閱讀不再只是單單閱讀而已...哈哈!真棒呢!
恩沛(janpei117) 於 2008-09-05 15:02 回覆:

1. Rosie and Alex friends from childhood. How did your earliest friends affect your life? How does their friendship compare to yours? How does Rosie present herself to Alex, and he to her?

2. As Rosie and Alex get older, their friendship changes. What changes their friendship--age, love, distance, being of the opposite sex?

3. How does Cecelia Ahern tell this story? Why might an author choose this narrative style? What are some of the advantages of this type of narrative? What other type of narration could be used? 
Explore whether or not this (these) would have been as effective, and why.

4. Do you have long distance friends? How hard/easy is this? How do you think the physical separation between Rosie and Alex affected their relationship?

5. Do you think the setting of the story makes an impact? Do you think Rosie's story would be different if she was born and raised in the United States?

6. Do you think the intimacy of Rosie and Alex's relationship with each other meant that they were emotionally cheating on their spouses? Do you think people need to explain these type of close friendships to others?

7. How does instant messaging affect the storytelling? What do these exchanges add to your understanding of the characters? How does this connection affect their otherwise long-distance relationship?

8. Think about Alex's love letter to Rosie that Rosie doesn't find til much later. What would have happened if Rosie found the letter immediately?

9. Looking at Chapter 20, share whether or not you agree with Phil when he tells Alex, "don't be the prick that tries to break up her marriage. She'll never forgive you for that."

10. Rosie and Alex love each other, but it takes them a long time to realize that the feeling is mutual. Can a man and a woman just be friends? Would you tell your best friend that you loved them? What risks are involved? And are they worth it?

11. How does family affect Rosie and Alex's life? How do her friends and acquaintances play a role? How did they, knowingly and unknowingly, change the course of her life? Is it fate or coincidence that brings people in and out of their lives?