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2005/09/17 20:05:30瀏覽1558|回應0|推薦0



Sun in Cancer, Moon in Aquarius

You were born with the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Aquarius. This astrological combination suggests potentially satisfactory balance between your inner feelings and your personality. The first come under the rulership of Cancer, which gives, at birth, an individual who is easy-going, healthfully pleasure-seeking, and fond of amusement. The Sun in Cancer inclines a person to be in touch with the feelings of others during youth and adolescence.

Your personality comes under the influence of the Moon in Aquarius. Although your inner self does not fit this description, others see you as attracted to all unorthodox and original subjects. People view you as a broad and humanitarian person who easily fraternizes with congenial associates. Your manner is sympathetic and sociable, and you are preoccupied with the good opinion of others. Yet at times you may show impulsive, unexpected, and unconventional responses. The position of the Moon in Aquarius tends to increase your intuition, imagination, and general sensitivity.

The secret to a better integration of your being is to harmonize these personality traits with the natural influences present at the time of your birth.

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Ascendant in Sagittarius, Jupiter in the Seventh House

At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler Jupiter is located in the seventh house.

Sagittarius rising denotes lives which are very dualistic; situations come and go as if divided into two sides - success and failure.

If you are able to raise the interests of your mind from common and trivial things to more profound subjects, your intellect will become very philosophical and attracted by law and peace, and it will be more intuitive than rational. In any case your life will be colored by impulsive and rather stubborn tendencies on your part, creating some inclination to go to extremes,

During the course of your existence you must try to develop intuition and human understanding so that you may be in a position to assist other people with your advice.

Sagittarius gives you a rather strong love of nature and makes you somewhat extroverted, demonstrative and passionate, falling in love frequently and without reservations. You are an intellectual, an intelligent person who has been fortunate enough to be granted also a good development of the emotional functions.

Your romantic life will be intense and varied. Your object of love may find you difficult to understand. In one aspect you will appear as passionate and energetic but because of the mutability of the sign you will also have an opposite tendency that will lead you away from involvement in the love affair and the latter impulse will be caused by a more inner trait, which is personal freedom.

Generally speaking, the sign of Sagittarius will incline you to exist in environments in which your physical body, emotions and thoughts are allowed total freedom for development. On a higher intellectual level you may find yourself inclined to dwell in the deep complexities of philosophy, metaphysics, religion and law. You are versatile enough to study more than one discipline simultaneously not forgetting to keep your body in physical movement, since you require both intellectual and physical exercise.

Most of your life you will be occupied in external matters and this may be a hint of your psychological extroversion. In marriage and other intimate relationships you are very fortunate. Jupiter here gives the propensity to have an excellent and faithful partner. There are also possibilities of financial success through marriage or commitment to a partner.

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Moon in the Second House

The Moon was found in the second house at the time of your birth. Your business dealings and means of income will consist of a multiplicity of activities where you must relate to many people. The position is generally good.

Occupationally, you are going to be inclined to pursue money through popular activities.

In any case, expect a fortune which holds variation and fluctuation. Try to orient your monetary dealings to the general public for you possess the ability to succeed when in touch with the popular masses.

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Sun in the Seventh House

The Sun was found in the seventh house at the time of your birth. Among other things, this means that your individuality is required to accomplish certain important developments in connection with associations and marriage. It appears, that you will be married to a rather proud but dignified individual, and much of all the progress that you will make in life will be a derivation of your relationship.

In any instance, you can expect throughout life the origination of lasting attachments and noble friendships.

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Venus in the Eighth House

Venus was found in your eighth house at the time of birth. This is a favorable position regarding the possibilities of financial gain through businesses owned by your partner or by associates.

Psychologically, you are going to find many harmonious conditions in your sexual relationships.

If your inner growth is such that your vital energies are oriented toward spiritual rather than material pleasures, then you will arrive at gratification and happiness through inquiry into the mysteries of life and death.

You should have some excellent opportunities for progress in your financial and social condition during your middle age or when you finally stabilize your life through marriage or any other type of close relationship.

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Saturn in the Tenth House

Saturn was found in the tenth house at the time of birth. This a very challenging position for a person who seeks worldly success. The inhibiting powers of Saturn are expressed in a heavy, cautious, and very serious personality. Many of the limitations that will arise throughout life result from your own psychological disposition which is oriented to narrow bounds. The key to a satisfactory solution of the various problems that will arise throughout life lies in your ability to endure difficulties with patience.

Inwardly there are ambitions, aspirations, and thrift; properly projected these psychological characteristics could yield power, an image of pride, and a perpetual craving for material objects and worldly wealth.

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