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This the way I looked at you on 20140511
2014/05/13 17:45:42瀏覽102|回應0|推薦0

This the way I looked at you on 20140511

(Standing behide the Standing Area C, my eyesight kept following you. Thank you always looked and came to my area T◡T)

She said my eyes are full of love, looking at you.

I couldn't leave, 3 hours, every moves.

My heartbeats, beating for you.

Music is magic and full of power.

You and your members make me feel honored.

After the concert, I look at your picture and make a promise to myself......

Angel as you, you fly and dance, like a fairy. TAEMIN

Muse as you, you jump and burn, like a fire. MINHO

You are my 2min boys! My muse and my inspiration in my mind and works... Thank you so much to come to my world.

I love SHINee, I love angel, I love you.

Thank you my lovely angel Taemin.

Thank you SHINee for making me brave, confident and beloved.

SW will always support SHINee! FIGHTING!


20140511 Xinzhuang gymnasium, New Taipei City

SHINee World Concert III in Taipei

By Heidy/ 海蒂
( 創作詩詞 )
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