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Take It Easy 《放輕鬆些》 - Eagles ☆☆☆
2010/05/12 23:28:16瀏覽6837|回應1|推薦8


"Take It Easy" 是 Jackson Browne 在1971年為他自己的首張專輯開始創作的一首歌,當時的隣居好友 Glenn Frey 聽到初版後非常的喜歡,Jackson Browne 就把這首歌給了 Glenn 组的新樂團,也就是老鷹(Eagles)搖滾合唱團。

Glenn Frey拿到後填寫了第二段的歌詞並決定自己唱,成為老鷹(Eagles)搖滾合唱團錄製的第一張單曲,是首張專輯 Eagles 的第一首歌,也成為演唱會必唱的招牌歌曲。

"Take It Easy" 在May 1, 1972 發行,打入美國熱門排行榜第十二名,後來更選入搖滾樂名人堂500首塑造搖滾樂的歌曲之一 (The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's 500 Songs that Shaped Rock and Roll)。

有趣的是,歌詞中被提到的亞利桑那州溫斯洛市政府(Winslow, Arizona)也照歌詞描述(I'm a standin' on a corner in Winslow, Arizona),在街角路灯前安置了一個真人大小的銅像(見上圖)。(節譯)Wikipedia 


正如歌詞開始時的描述,獨自在空曠的高速公路上開車前行,有時蜿蜒,有時起伏,身在漫長無際的情境中,自然而然的會放任思緒天馬行空。"Take It Easy" 整曲像潺潺溪流般的流暢,盈溢優美的和聲共鳴。

主奏吉他手 Bernie Leadon 巧思設計的前奏特殊(0:00 ~ 0:16 / 3:33),和弦輕快節奏不但吸引人,樂音更具震撼力深入腦海,吉他獨奏(1:43 ~ 2:10 / 3:33)採用高音三弦中的兩弦差八度和音,達到非常好聽的鐘音共鳴效果,自己彈時才更能真正感受到它的優美。

貝斯手 Randy Meisner 在第二段起頭的兩句和音也很精彩,他的第二部和聲清清楚楚,但仍然與第一部保持和諧(1:02 ~ 1:14 / 3:33)。鼓手 Don Henley (Hotel California 主唱)則在結尾("Though we will never be here again...)時加入和音。

第一次聽到這首歌,是曾在台北美軍倶樂部獻唱的小姜來宿舍玩時,應要求表演才知道的。小姜平時說話偶而結巴,但自彈自唱倶屬上乘,把其中味道完全的唱出來,吉他獨奏(solo)更是一瀉千里 (1:43 ~ 2:10 / 3:33),氣勢磅礴技壓全場。知味後就此上鈎,列入百首最愛之中。小姜是個非常有才華的人,可惜當時各忙各的,平常少有聯絡,聽說他來美唸建築,不知何時能再有耳福。

「凡住過必留下隣居,凡走過必留下痕跡。」 -   卜學亮 (超級星期天的超級任務)

【歌曲】Take It Easy Lyrics

【歌曲】Eagles - Take It Easy - ( Alta Calidad ) HD

【歌曲】How to play Take It Easy by The Eagles (Guitar Lesson SB-402)



        G       C/G  Am7/G
        G       C/G  Am7/G

(verse #1)
G                   G
        Well, I'm a runnin' down the road, tryin' to loosen my load,
                        D  C
I've got seven women on my mind.
G                       D
Four that wanna own me, two that wanna stone me,
 C                         G
one says she's a friend of mine.
        Em            C    G
Take it easy, take it ea - sy,
              Am                C                Em
don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy.
       C                    G              C           G
Lighten up while you still can, don't even try to understand,
            Am                 C                  G
just find a place to make your stand and take it easy.
(Verse #2)
Well, I'm a standin' on a corner in Winslow, Arizona
                D        C
and such a fine sight to see:
       G                   D
it's a girl, my Lord, in a flat bed Ford
        C                      G
slowin' down to take a look at me.
         Em   D             C     G
Come on, ba - by, don't say may - be.
        Am                  C            Em
I gotta know if your sweet love is gonna save me.
       C               G                  C              G
We may lose and we may win though we will never be here again.
        Am               C               G
So open up, I'm climbin' in, so take it easy.

(guitar solo )
        G            D  C
        G       D       C       G
        Em              C       G
        Am      C       G

(Verse #3)
Well, I'm a runnin' down the road, tryin' to loosen my load,
                       D     C
got a world of trouble on my mind.
G                       D
Lookin' for a lover who won't blow my cover,
      C          G
she's so hard to find.
        Em            C    G
Take it easy, take it ea - sy,
              Am                C                Em
don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy.
         C    G             C     G
Come on, ba - by, don't say may - be.
        Am                 C             G
I gotta know if your sweet love is gonna save me.
C       G
C       G

C                     G  G9  C
        Oh, we got it ea  -  sy,
                  G  G9  C
we oughta take it ea  -  sy.
(end on) Em
C/G     3x2013
Am7/G   3x0213
G9      30212x


( 休閒生活音樂 )

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