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Baker Street 《貝克街》 - Gerry Rafferty ★☆☆
2010/03/05 10:23:02瀏覽3370|回應0|推薦6


Gerry Rafferty 的第二張專集 City to City 包括這首曾拿過美國排行榜第二名的 Baker Street, 名字取自英國倫敦有名的一條同名街道,著名偵探小說中虚構人物福爾摩斯住在 221B Baker Street. 。歌中的薩克斯風獨奏是由 Raphael Ravenscroft 吹奏,而吉他是由 Hugh Burns 彈奏。

八小節的薩克斯風演奏造成“The Baker Street Phenomenon”, 薩克斯風銷售劇升,歌曲廣告中使用 薩克斯風亦大為増加。 當時錄音的時候,這部份本來設計為吉他獨奏,可是當時吉他手不在。就由恰在場錄製另一條歌的 Raphael Ravenscroft 到車上拿了薩克斯風回來取代吉他獨奏,真是無巧不成書。(節譯) Wikipedia



後四小節前奏由薩克斯風手主奏,一出聲就掌控全場,吹的出神入化,扣人心弦,是全曲的靈魂。 鼓手與貝斯手也活躍的控制旋律 , 木邦戈鼓手同時配合貝斯手,隨著節拍以恰恰節拍襯托連貫,奏出此曲最引人也是最著名的後段前奏。結尾時電吉他手獨奏時以手指上推琴弦,達到如泣如訴的效果。


記得以前學校圖書館左前方是書店與麥當勞,右前方是音樂系,中間是一條寛廣的紅磚道。有一次中午經過附近時音樂聲震耳欲聾,人山人海,走過去一看,原來音樂系在系舘前面搭台辦演唱會。到了没多久他們就開始演奏 Baker Street ,非常好聽,從此與這條歌結下不解緣。


【歌曲】Gerry Rafferty - Baker Street (UK)


【歌曲】Gerry Rafferty - Baker Street (Instrumental)

【歌詞】BAKER STREET (Gerry Rafferty)
(Intro Keyboard)

(Intro Saxophone X1)

Winding your way down on Baker Street

Lite in your head, and dead on your feet
      Em                    G
Well another crazy day, you drink the night away
And forget about everything

This city desert makes you feel so cold, its got

So many people but its got no soul
        Em                   G
And its taken you so long to find out you were wrong
When you thought it held everything.

Dm7                           Am7
You used to think that it was so easy
Dm7                         Am7
You used to say that it was so easy
    C             G            D
But you're tryin, you're tryin now
Dm7                         Am7
Another year and then you'd be happy
Dm7                               Am7
Just one more year and then you'd be happy
    C              G            A
But you're cryin', you're cryin now

(bridge Saxophone x2)

Way down the street there's a light in his place

You open the door, he's got that look on his face
       Em                              G
And he asks you where youv'e been, you tell him who you've seen
And you talk about anything

He's got this dream about buyin' some land

He's gonna give up the booze and the one night stands
    Em                             G
And then he'll settle down, it's a quiet little town
And forget about everything

Dm7                       Am7
But you know he'll always keep moving
Dm7                       Am7
You know he's never gonna stop moving
      C            G                D
Cause he's rollin, He's the rolling stone
Dm7                         Am7
And when you wake up it's a new morning
Dm7                       Am7
The sun is shining it's a new morning
    C             G            A
And you're going, you're going home

(Guitar solo X2)
(Saxophone  fading out…)

( 休閒生活音樂 )

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