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Ideas(3/31/07 5:19:28 am)
2008/02/08 02:21:36瀏覽255|回應0|推薦1

Guess What?!
I actually started working much earlier

than the time I said I would for 3/29.
How surprisingly... I must really care about the job I do.

 Nobody said working and attending classes was going to be easy,

 I am going to let it go when a class didn't get the result I planned.

 Anyway, I have learned how some professors are all BS

and crap that they take all their energy to concentrate

on stupid closed book examinations and view knowledge as black and white.

They refuse to change and afraid of changing for future students.
Here are tips for future students:
The following professors you wanted to avoid for your whole life are:

If you do, you will either be sorry or be sick for the whole term.

感覺: 諷刺

(1)Brown-Istvan (RC)BI101
(2)McHarris (SE) WR122
(3)Nancy (PSU)L5 Writing
(4)Hilary Williams(PSU)L5 Writing.
(5)James D. Kennamer(PSU) SP100
(6)L D. Ritchie(PSU)SP423
(7)Joshua G. Netzer (PSU)SP399 Intro to PR.
(8)Margaret Everett(PSU)ANTH 330U 

(9) Cynthia Lou Coleman(PSU)SP416                                                                           

(10)Randy K. Murphy(PSU)ENG306U American Humor 

( 心情隨筆校園筆記 )
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