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Aviators - The Fear of Flight
2012/06/10 15:03:02瀏覽83|回應0|推薦0

Of them making fun of me他們取笑我
I don't want to feel their ridicule again我不希望再次感受到他們的嘲笑
But I'll overcome但我會克服
The worry of disappointing everyone擔心每個人都失望
I'll fly fearlessly through the wind我無畏地通過風飛

I'll take to the skies, spread my wings and soar我將飛上藍天,張開自己的翅膀,翱翔
I refuse to let my fear of failure control me anymore我拒絕讓我對失敗的恐懼控制我了
Flying faster, soaring through飛行速度更快,飆升通過
Knowing I have nothing to lose知道我沒有什麼會失去
I'm doing what I know is right我知道在做什麼,我是對的
I'm conquering the fear of flight我征服了飛行恐懼

Flying through飛越著
The wind and I know what to do風,我知道該怎麼辦
I have to overcome the doubt filling my mind我一定要克服填補我心中的疑問
So here I go所以我在這裡
I have my friends cheering below下面有我的朋友們雀躍歡呼
And I'll throw uncertainty aside as I leave the ground我會拋開拋掉不確定因素,因為我離開了地面

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I will soar我將飆升
Not fearing failure anymore不怕失敗了
Flying high越飛越高
Through the sky通過天空感覺
Feeling so alive這樣活著
Not ashamed不以為恥
I'm making a change我改變
Feeling the wind in my mane感覺風在我的鬃毛
Flying high越飛越高
Do or die做或死
I'm conquering the fear of flight我征服了飛行恐懼
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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