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Aviators - Her Darker Side
2012/06/10 14:52:16瀏覽70|回應0|推薦0

Deep beneath深層之下
A stable mind一個穩定的心靈
There's a space between之間有一個空間
The truth and lies真相與謊言
Where sanity理智在哪裡
Isn't what it seems似乎不是什麼
And real life is a是一個現實生活中
Nightmare of a dream一個夢想的夢魘
Behind the magic魔法的背後
Behind the books書本的背後
There's more to her還有更重要的是她
Than there looks比他們看起來
Just watch out只是看了
Don't be surprised不要驚訝
When she shows當她展示
Her darker side她的黑暗面

You cannot escape her so所以你不能逃脫她
Don't try to close your eyes不要試圖閉上眼睛
With every sinister spell隨著每一個陰險的咒語
She shows her darker side她展示了她的黑暗面

Perhaps a little crazy也許是有點瘋狂
But not insane但不是瘋了
She's only got她只獲得
Her magic to blame她的魔法惹的禍
On some days在某些日子
She's just a mare她只是一匹母馬
With not a hint of evil沒有一絲邪惡
No reason to scare沒有任何理由來嚇唬
But other days但是其他的日子
A sinister mind shines through一個陰險的心靈眼前一亮通過
Now don't look back現在不要回頭
She's watching you她在看著你

It was never meant to be this way...從來沒有是這樣的意思......
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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