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[PMV] Autumn (Derpy Hooves) Music Video
2012/06/08 23:19:48瀏覽123|回應0|推薦0

I know a mare, she knows me too我認識一匹母馬,她也認識我
The stunning Derpy Hooves, or Ditzy Doo令人驚嘆的Derpy Hooves和Ditzy Doo
If you've got a note she'll send it如果你有一張紙條,她也會寄送
But don't you be mad when it's但不要當它是瘋了
late by a couple minutes晚到幾個分鐘
Nopony's perfect!沒有小馬是完美的!

Trot with me through the autumn leaves和我快步通過秋天的葉子
And keep close to stay warm並保持靠近保持溫暖
Soon you'll see how much you mean to me很快你就會看到對我而言意味著多少感情
Feelings I've never felt before之前我從未感受

The leaves grow bright and yellow樹葉枯黃
Like her hair and eyes stay mellow像她的頭髮和保持圓潤眼睛
There's something special 'bout that mare.還有些特別的母馬都該有的。

I'd be a happy fellow 我是一個快樂的傢伙
If I could just say hello如果我可以打個招呼
Have to be brave just don't be scared一定要勇敢=就是不被嚇到

so Trot with me through the autumn leaves所以和我快步通過秋天的葉子
And keep close to stay warm並保持靠近保持溫暖
Soon you'll see how much you mean to me很快你就會看到對我而言意味著多少感情
Feelings I've never felt before之前我從未感受

(Synth solo)(合成器獨奏)

When I see her with her filly當我看到她的小雌馬
I know that I'll look silly我知道,我看傻了
I can't stop grinning ear to ear我不能停下來笑著合不攏嘴

But when the air gets chilly但是,當空氣變得寒冷
the cuteness nearly kills me可愛到幾乎殺死我
That mare deserves mother of the year!的母馬應該是今年最佳的母親!

so Trot with me through the autumn leaves所以和我快步通過秋天的葉子
And keep close to stay warm並保持靠近保持溫暖
Soon you'll see how much you mean to me很快你就會看到對我而言意味著多少感情
Feelings that I've never felt before!我從未感受過的感情!

I know a mare我知道一個母馬
Whose mind is free 心靈是自由的
You know you're special你知道你很特別
at least to me至少對我來說
They will say what they want他們會說他們想要的東西
and still be mean仍然是
What's next for you?你有何未來?
That's to be seen 這將看到
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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