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zahqo meets d.notive - Hand for Hoof
2012/05/31 21:53:10瀏覽87|回應0|推薦0


The end of civilization it draws near臨近結束的文明
Our population mired in fear我們的人口陷入恐懼
What seemed so easy now seems hard,是什麼顯得都很容易,現在似乎很難,
forcing us to make a brand new start迫使我們做出一個全新的開始
The choice is clear now in our minds:選擇是明確的,現在在我們的腦海中:
continue or leave this all behind?繼續或離開這拋諸一切?
Are the risks now greater than the costs?現在比成本更大的風險?
Abandon flesh to save our cause?放棄肉體,以拯救我們的事業嗎?

I've found my own salvation我發現我自己的救贖
to end human stagnation.停滯不前結束人類。
You need no inquisition你需要沒有文字獄
to see our disposition.看到我們的性格。
We're here to save your lives我們在這裡保存你的生命
by freeing all your minds.釋放你的頭腦。
With us you'll find new youth與我們,你會發現新青年
as you trade Hand for Hoof!與你交換手為蹄!

All of Equestria calls your name!整個Equestria在呼喚你的名字!

But things won't be the same.但事物將不會是相同的。

Just surrender all your shame.只要交出你所有的羞恥。

But I'm not the one to blame!但我不是進行責備!

Should I surrender your my form?我應該放棄你我的形式?
Will I accept this as the norm?我會接受為準則?
To be a pony or a man...是一個小馬或一個人...
To lend a hoof or lend a hand...借給蹄或伸出援助之手......

What you lack in your own faith,你在你自己的信仰缺乏,
we make up in our own way.我們在我們自己的方式彌補。
Let us convert your body,讓我們轉換你的身體,
to end this selfish plotting!結束這個自私的陰謀!

All of Equestria calls your name!整個Equestria在呼喚你的名字!

But things won't be the same.但事物將不會是相同的。

Just surrender all your shame.只要交出你所有的羞恥。

But I'm not the one to blame!但我不是進行責備!

How much longer will you hide?你將隱藏多久?

As long as it takes to decide!只要需要來決定!

You're so much stronger on our side...你強得多,在我們的身邊......

... but without you I'll still survive!...但如果沒有你,我仍然會生存!
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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