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2012/05/28 21:13:26瀏覽464|回應0|推薦0


One of Derpy's favorite things to do is helping mommy.Derpy最喜歡做的事情之一是幫助媽媽。 Mommy is always running around the house and doing all kinds of things, and the house is really big, and there's all kinds of stuff inside, so Derpy gets to help a lot.媽媽總是在房子裡跑來跑去,並做各種家事,房子是非常的大,還有裡面有各種的東西,所以Derpy有得到很大的幫助。
Right now, Derpy wants to help make muffins because they're her favorite. She even knows where the flour is (it's in one of the big cabinets in the kitchen), but when she tries to get it out of the cabinet it gets all over because the bag is really big and she can't always move so good and mommy says “Look at the mess you made! Go play somewhere else!”

But Derpy doesn't cry or anything even though mommy was loud. Since mommy won't let her help in the kitchen, Derpy wants to go play with Miss Sweetie, that's her favorite doll, Miss Sweetie. She's her favorite one because she's yellow and Derpy likes yellow most of all. Derpy's mane is yellow, and so is mommy. Mommy is yellow all over. Derpy knows all the colors. She knows red, and blue, and green, and purple, and especially yellow because that's her favorite.
但Derpy沒有哭,或是做任何事情,即使媽媽是很大聲。因為在廚房中媽媽不會在讓她幫忙,Derpy想要與甜蜜小姐去玩,這是她最喜歡的娃娃,甜蜜小姐。她是她的最愛,因為她是黃色且最重要的Derpy喜歡黃色。 derpy的鬃毛是黃色的,媽媽也是。媽媽的一切完全是黃色。 derpy知道所有的顏色。她知道,紅色和藍色,綠色,紫色,尤其是黃色的,因為這是她最喜歡的。

Derpy hopes that mommy is gonna make muffins today. She likes muffins a whole lot, but one time she ate too many and it felt sickish, but it's okay because they're still her favorite. Purple muffins are the best and Derpy likes it when she gets to eat the purple muffins.

Derpy has to stay inside most days.derpy有大部分時間留在裡面。 Mommy and daddy say that little ponies should stay inside where they can't get lost.媽媽和爸爸說,小的小馬應該留在裡面,他們不至於迷路。 But sometimes they'll take her places, too.但有時,他們也會帶她到別的地方。 Like one time they went to a place where there were lots of ponies and some of the ponies had hats on and some were running around with cows and things but Derpy got scared at all the ponies and started crying so they had to leave but she didn't really want to.像一次,他們去的地方有大量小馬和有帽子的小馬和一些牛族和東西,但Derpy在場所有的小馬嚇到她,她開始哭泣,所以他們不得不離開,但她沒真的想要。

One time, they took Derpy to school, too.有一次,他們也帶Derpy去學校。 School was a different big house with lots of other little ponies like her (not big ones like mommy and daddy). 學校是一個不同的大房子有很多其他有點像她的小馬(沒有大的像媽媽和爸爸)。There was a pony there who was big and looked like daddy but he wasn't daddy but Derpy still wasn't scared, either.有一匹小馬,是大的,看起來像爸爸,但他沒有爸爸,但,Derpy仍然沒有任何害怕。 Everyone was talking all over and Derpy got real excited and wanted to talk too, but Derpy can't talk so good, but it's okay because everyone was happy.每個人都在各處聊天,並Derpy真正感到興奮,想說得太多了,但Derpy不能好好的說話,但沒關係,因為每個人都很開心。 Then later everypony got quiet and the big pony was saying things and Derpy wanted to say stuff too, but he said “No talking in class,” so Derpy tried to not say things but it was a long, long time and sometimes she forgot and then she had an accident on herself and that made her cry and everyone got loud again.當最後小馬們都安靜,而大馬在說事情,而Derpy想說的東西太多,他說:“不能在課堂上說話”所以Derpy嘗試做不用說話的事,但是很長很長的時間,然後有時她會忘記,她對自己的意外,讓她哭而再次每個人都非常吵雜。 Derpy didn't really like school, but it's okay because she gets to stay inside now.derpy沒有真正喜歡上學,但沒關係,因為她現在得留在裡面。

Daddy isn't home most of the time, but she likes when daddy comes home because daddy isn't loud like mommy. Daddy teaches Derpy things too, like colors. Daddy says Derpy is a “pegasiss” pony, because she has wings. Someday, daddy always says, he'll teach Derpy how to fly.

Daddy said that most pegasiss ponies live in the sky but Derpy doesn't live in the sky because she can't fly.爸爸說,大多數飛馬小馬住在天空,但Derpy並不住在天空,因為她不能飛的。 Derpy can't fly because she can't always move so good and sometimes she can't see so good, either. But someday, maybe Derpy will fly like mommy and daddy can and everyone can go live up in the sky with the other pegasiss ponies.

He says up in the sky is where they make rainbows and Derpy wants to see all those rainbows. She'll tell daddy all the colors she's learned if she can talk good by then. Daddy says Derpy is a “pegasiss” pony but mommy says Derpy is a “reetard” but daddy never told Derpy what that is.

Derpy really, really likes when daddy comes home, because daddy is nice and plays with Derpy and talks to Derpy but mommy always says “Derpy, go play somewhere else.” Mommy is always doing things like cleaning and things and even though Derpy tries to help she makes a mess sometimes because she can't move so good. And mommy cries sometimes too and then mommy has to take medicine to make her stop crying. Derpy cries sometimes but she doesn't need medicine. But today, mommy is happy and Derpy is happy and Miss Sweetie is happy. And when Derpy smells muffin smell, Derpy gets really happy.
derpy真的,真的很喜歡當爸爸回家,因為爸爸是好的並和Derpy玩.但媽媽總是說Derpy並會談論:“Derpy,去別的地方玩。”媽媽總是做這樣的清潔和家事的事情,即使Derpy嘗試幫助,她弄成一團糟,因為她無法飛行這麼好。而有時媽媽哭著,然後有時太過頭於是媽媽吃藥時停止了哭泣。 derpy有時哭泣,但她並不需要藥物。但今天,媽媽很高興並Derpy很快樂,甜蜜小姐是幸福的。有時Derpy聞到鬆餅氣味,Derpy得到真正的快樂。

Derpy runs real fast to the kitchen (she brings Miss Sweetie too, because Miss Sweetie likes muffins, but not as much as Derpy does) and she finds muffins there! Mommy says “Sit down over there, Derpy,” and she does.derpy跑非常快速到廚房(她也帶著甜蜜小姐,因為甜蜜小姐喜歡鬆餅,但可能沒有Derpy這麼多),她發現有鬆餅!媽媽說:“那邊坐下,Derpy”她聽話了。
Derpy puts Miss Sweetie down on the table (she can't eat muffins while she's holding Miss Sweetie and also Miss Sweetie tastes a little like yuck anyway) but mommy grabs Miss Sweetie and throws her into the other room.derpy把甜蜜小姐往桌子上放(她不能吃鬆餅而她的甜蜜小姐也將失去甜蜜反而有點像難吃的味道),但媽媽奪走甜蜜小姐並將她拋到另一個房間。 Derpy wants to go get Miss Sweetie but mommy pulls Derpy back and it hurts kinda and mommy says “No! Sit down!”

Derpy gets mad and swings her hoofs at mommy but mommy hits Derpy in her face and Derpy starts to cry. But then mommy puts lots of muffins down on the table and says “Be quiet, Derpy. Look, muffins,” and mommy is smiling so Derpy doesn't cry and she gets muffins, so it's okay.

Mommy pushes all the muffins in front of Derpy and says “Have as many as you like,” and Derpy gets one really fast! They aren't the purple ones, but she still likes them anyway.媽媽推所有的鬆餅在Derpy前面的並說:“只要你喜歡,都可以拿去”並且Derpy非常快拿到!他們不是紫色的,但無論如何她依然喜歡他們。 She eats a whole muffin all the way and then gets another one, but she can't finish that one all the way because she already feels a little sickish and the muffins don't taste as good as the purple ones.她用所有的方式吃整個鬆餅,然後一個又一個,但她所有的不能吃完,因為她已經感覺有點想吐並鬆餅味道和紫的不一樣。 Mommy says “What's wrong? You're not done already, are you? Can't you finish at least one more?” and she pushes more muffins in front of Derpy but Derpy is already sickish so she wants to go play with Miss Sweetie now.

Derpy tries to play with Miss Sweetie but she feels real sickish now so she just takes Miss Sweetie over by the window and watches the sky. Daddy said the sky color is blue and she can see all the clouds and stuff and even some pegasiss ponies but not any rainbows.derpy嘗試玩甜蜜小姐,但她現在覺得真的病了,所以她只需放甜蜜小姐在窗口,看著天空。爸爸說,天空的顏色是藍色的,她可以看到所有的雲並東西甚至一些飛馬的小馬,但沒有任何的彩虹。

Daddy comes home when the sky is all orange but Derpy can't see him because she's laying down by the window because she feels really, really sickish and her belly hurts really bad.爸爸回家的時候,天空是完全橙色,但Derpy不能看到他,因為她躺在窗口,因為她感覺真的,真的病了並她的肚子真的疼非常不好。 She can't even squeeze Miss Sweetie because her belly hurts and daddy comes over and nuzzles her and says “Sweetie, are you okay?” but Derpy doesn't say anything and she can't cry either even though it hurts so bad. Then daddy gets loud and mommy gets loud but Derpy keeps looking out the window, but then daddy picks up Derpy and goes outside really fast.她甚至不能擁抱甜蜜小姐,因為她的肚子疼並爸爸過來把她身體環抱住,並說:“親愛的,你好嗎?”,但Derpy不能說什麼並她不能哭即使受傷害如此糟糕。然後,爸爸變得非常吵雜並媽媽也很吵雜,但Derpy保持望著窗外,然後爸爸拉起Derpy飛快到外面。 It hurts so much that she does cry now and she wants Miss Sweetie but she's still inside the house.這樣非常痛,但是她沒有哭,現在,她想要甜蜜小姐,但她仍然屋內。Daddy puts Derpy in her cart and ties her in so she doesn't climb out but she doesn't want to climb out anyway.

Daddy takes her to a place she's never been before and lots of big ponies in white hats and stuff are around and carrying her all over and it really hurts her belly but daddy is still there, too, even though she can't see good right now.爸爸帶她到一個她從未去過的地方且有許多白帽子大隻小馬並東西在小馬左右並放在她各處,真的會讓她的肚子痛,但爸爸仍然是在那裏,即使現在她不能好好看清楚。 They put Derpy on a bed and it's really cold and she's crying and one of the big ponies is making her eat something and daddy says “Sweetie, you're gonna be okay, alright? Just take this medicine. It'll be okay, I promise!” and she eats the medicine because daddy says to. Mommy takes medicine and it makes mommy stop crying so maybe this medicine will make Derpy stop crying but it's not working now though.

Derpy gets really tired and scared and hurting and all kinds of stuff happens and she can't remember too good or see too good either but she remembers daddy is there and then she wakes up and it doesn't hurt so much anymore.derpy真的疲倦害怕,傷害和發生的各種東西,她記不得最好,或者沒看到更好的,但她記得爸爸在那裡,然後她醒來時,不會這麼痛多了。 Daddy is by the bed and it's all bright and white inside and she can see daddy because her eyes aren't bad right now and he says “How do you feel, sweetie?” Daddy is gray colored and Derpy says “Sweetie” because that's one of the words she can say good. Daddy nuzzles Derpy in the neck and says “I love you so much,” and Derpy is still really sleepy and daddy made her neck wet because he was crying all over.

Derpy got to stay in that new place for lots of days and so did daddy but not mommy.derpy這樣跟爸爸而不是媽媽,留在新的地方很多天。 There were lots of big ponies and even some little ponies and they were all nice to Derpy and she didn't break anything or make a mess the whole time while she was there so it was really fun.

But daddy said it was time to go home so they did. When mommy saw Derpy, she squeezed Derpy and said lots of things. Then everyone, mommy, and daddy, and Derpy spent all day together! They played together all day and everyone was really happy and saying lots of stuff and they even had muffins again! They were purple this time, and Derpy really likes the purple ones. And when it was time for bed, mommy and daddy stayed with Derpy the whole night! It was Derpy's most favorite day.

Derpy gets up really early in the morning with mommy and daddy because it's time for daddy to go to work.derpy在媽媽和爸爸早上非常早起床,因為是時後爸爸該去上班。 Everyone has food all at the same time today and Derpy isn't sleepy or anything.今天在同一時間每個人都有所有的食物且Derpy不打瞌睡或做任何事。 And when daddy has to go he kisses mommy and then he nuzzles Derpy and kisses her on top of her head and says “Be good, Sweetie. Daddy loves you,” and then he has to go even though she doesn't really want him to.且當爸爸去親吻他媽媽,然後他擁抱Derpy和親吻她的額頭上,並說:“好的,親愛的。爸爸愛你“,然後他走了,即使她並不真的要他去走。 After daddy leaves, Derpy gets really sleepy and she has to sleep on the floor where it's warm because the sun is in the window.

Next time Derpy wakes up because mommy wakes her up and says “Get up, Derpy. Hurry up, we're leaving,” and Derpy doesn't really know what to do but mommy pulls her up and Derpy grabs Miss Sweetie before they go this time.下一次Derpy醒來,因為媽媽醒來,她說“,Derpy起來。快點,我們要走了,“Derpy真的不知道要做什麼,但媽媽把她叫起且在他們走之前Derpy抓著甜蜜小姐。
Mommy keeps pushing Derpy to move faster but Derpy can't see good right now and she almost falls over sometimes. Then she puts Miss Sweetie inside her cart and gets in and then mommy starts pulling the cart even though Derpy didn't get tied in yet.媽媽推Derpy去走快點,但Derpy現在還很茫然,她有時幾乎跌下。然後,她把甜蜜小姐放在她的車裡面,然後媽媽開始拉車,即使Derpy還沒有綁著。 But it's okay because Derpy has Miss Sweety and she's really soft and Derpy is still sleepy so she goes to sleep on Miss Sweetie for a little while.
但沒關係因為Derpy 甜蜜小姐和她真的很軟趴趴,Derpy仍然是很困,所以她和甜蜜小姐小睡一會兒。

When she wakes up the next time even, it's really cold and windy because they're up high and Derpy doesn't like going up high.她在下個時間醒來,這時寒風非常的凜冽,因為他們在高處,Derpy不喜歡高。 Derpy gets scared when she looks outside the cart because they're high and also Derpy doesn't know where they are anyway. 當她看車外derpy被嚇到,因為他們是飛很高的,Derpy也不知道他們在哪裡。Daddy usually doesn't go up high when he takes Derpy somewhere.爸爸通常不飛這麼高,當他需要帶Derpy到某處時。 They're up high for a long, long time and Derpy starts to get really hungry but she's scared too so she just lays down in the cart and squeezes Miss Sweetie and she likes that because Miss Sweetie is warm.他們在高處很長很長的時間Derpy開始覺得非常的飢餓,但她害怕過,所以她只是躺在車擁抱甜蜜小姐,她喜歡,因為甜蜜小姐,是溫暖的。 There's no clouds where they are and there's no pegasiss ponies or rainbows either.那裏沒有雲彩,他們在哪裡,這裡沒有飛馬小馬或彩虹。 Then she has an idea and thinks maybe mommy is taking her back to that nice place that was fun and maybe daddy will be there too!

After an even longer long time it gets warm again and mommy comes over and says “Get up,” and pulls Derpy out of the cart by her tail and that hurts a little bit but not too much.甚至更長的時間很長一段時間後,再次感到溫暖,媽媽走了過來,並說:“起來,”她用尾巴把Derpy從車拉出有一點點疼,但不會太痛。 Derpy looks around but it isn't the fun place but there are lots of trees all over and some grass and even some houses far away too. derpy環顧四周,但是不好玩的地方,但也有很多各地的樹木和一些草和甚至連房屋也離很遠。She looks at mommy and mommy says “Come here,” and goes to under a really big tree and tells Derpy to sit down under the tree and then takes a bowl out of one of her bags.她看著媽媽,媽媽說:“來到這裡”,並到一棵非常大的樹下,叫Derpy坐在樹底下,然後從她的包包拿出個一碗。 Derpy is happy because she's really hungry and then mommy takes a bottle out and puts some stuff in the bowl but when Derpy tries to drink the stuff mommy says “No!”derpy很高興,因為她是真的餓了,然後媽媽拿著一個瓶子,在碗裡放一些東西,但是當Derpy嘗試喝那東西媽媽說:“不行!”
So Derpy doesn't know what to do and then mommy takes a new thing out of her bag that's pink colored and says “Watch this. Mommy is gonna make you some bubbles,” and she takes the funny looking new thing and puts it in the stuff in the bowl and then takes it out and waves it around.所以Derpy不知道該怎麼做,然後媽媽從她的包拿出新的東西,那是粉紅色的然後說:“看這個。媽媽是會吹一些泡泡給你,“她拿出看起來有趣新的東西,並放在碗裡,然後讓那離開波紋。 And then there's bubbles! They float around all over and mommy starts laughing and Derpy starts laughing and she's really happy and then mommy says “Now you try!” and puts the funny thing back in the bowl.

Derpy reaches down and holds the funny thing with her teeth (it's because she can't always use her hoofs so good) and then picks it up and shakes her head all over and then there's more bubbles! Derpy laughs so much and she drops the funny thing but mommy just says “Here, make some more!” and puts the thing back in the bowl.derpy拿下來,並用她的牙齒咬著有趣的東西(這是因為她不能總是用她的蹄子這麼好),然後把它撿起然後搖搖她的頭跑更多的泡泡! derpy笑著,她丟出有趣的東西,但媽媽只是說:“在這裡,沾一些!”,並放那東西在碗裡。 Then Derpy grabs the thing again and makes more bubbles until the bubbles stop and Derpy doesn't know what to do but then she remembers and puts the thing back in the bowl and then takes it out and she can make more bubbles! Derpy makes bubbles until they're all over! Sometimes there's lots and sometimes there's only not lots. Sometimes Derpy just likes to watch the bubbles instead of making more. They move really slow sometimes and sometimes they don't move at all.然後Derpy抓過東西,又吹出更多的氣泡,直到氣泡停止,不過Derpy不知道該做什麼,但她記得,並沾出在碗裡的東西,然後讓吹出去,她可以吹更多的氣泡! derpy吹氣泡,直到他們到處都是!有時還有很多,有時只是不是很多。有時Derpy只是喜歡看氣泡,而不是製造更多。他們移動很慢有時,有時他們不移動。
But best of all is how the bubbles all have rainbows in them! There's more colors than she's ever seen, and sometimes when she can't see good, there's even more bubbles with even more rainbows!

Derpy is still hungry kinda and she can't see mommy or her cart or Miss Sweetie anymore but that's okay because there's bubbles and Derpy likes bubbles most of all.derpy仍然是餓了有點且她看不到媽媽或她的車或甜蜜小姐,但沒關係,因為有泡泡且最重要的是Derpy喜歡泡泡。 The sky is all orange too, so that means daddy will be home soon and he can make bubbles with Derpy and they can all eat food together and maybe mommy and daddy will stay with Derpy all night like last time.天空是完全橙色的,因此這意味著爸爸不久會回家,他可以與Derpy吹泡泡,他們都可以一起吃東西,也許媽媽和爸爸夜晚會留著Derpy像最後一次。 Someday daddy says he'll teach Derpy how to fly and she'll float around like the bubbles. And then her, and mommy, and daddy will all be able to live up in the sky and mommy won't cry anymore and there'll be rainbows and she'll tell daddy all the colors.有一天,爸爸說他會教Derpy的怎麼飛,她會像氣泡浮。然後,她和媽媽,爸爸都將能夠生活在天空和媽媽不會哭了,那裏會有彩虹,她會告訴爸爸所有的顏色。

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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2014/09/24 08:23 【udn】 這裡更便宜!標誌 彩虹 可愛 Little比價