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MLP- This Day Aria Song with Respris
2012/04/28 01:22:19瀏覽166|回應0|推薦0
[Queen Chrysalis] [異蛹女王] 
This day is going to be perfect 這一天是完美的
The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small 某一天夢想,因為我很渺小
Everypony will gather round 每個小馬將圍一排
Say I look lovely in my gown 說我長得可愛在我的長袍
What they don't know is that I have fooled them all他們不知道我讓他們上當

[Princess Cadance][公主Cadance]
This day was going to be perfect 這一天是完美的
The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small 一天夢想,因為我很渺小
But instead of having cake 而是蛋糕
With all my friends to celebrate 用來與我所有的朋友慶祝
My wedding bells they may not ring for me at all. 婚禮的鐘聲他們所有可能

[Queen Chrysalis][異蛹女王]
I could care less about the dress 可以不關心禮服
I won't partake in any cake 我不會分享任何蛋糕
Vows, well I will be lying when I say 我會說謊我說誓言
That through any kind of weather 通過任何一種天氣
I'll want us to be together 我們在一起
The truth is I don't care for him at all 事實是,我不關心他的一切
No I do not love the groom 不,我不新郎
In my heart there is no room 在我的心裡沒有空間
But I still want him to be all mine. 我仍然希望他完全是我的

[Princess Cadance][公主Cadance]
We must escape before its too late 我們必須逃脫為時已晚之前
Find a way to save the day 找到一種方法來拯救這一天
Hope, I'll be lying if I say 希望,我在撒謊,如果我說
I don't fear that I may lose him 我不害怕,我可能會失去
To one who wants to use him 一個要利用
Not care for love and cherish him each day 不在乎和珍惜的每一天
For I also love the groom 我也很喜歡新郎
Oh my thoughts he does consume 哦我的想法不會消耗
Oh Shining Armor, I'll be there very soon. 閃亮盔甲,我會盡快

[Queen Chrysalis][異蛹女王]
Finally the moment has arrived 最後的時刻已經到來
For me to be one lucky bride. 對我來說一個幸運的新娘

[Princess Cadance][公主Cadance]
Oh, the wedding we won't make 哦,我們婚禮不會讓他成
He'll end up marrying a fake 最終會虛結婚
Shining Armor will be 閃亮盔甲

[Queen Chrysalis] [異蛹女王]
Mine, all mine. [laughter] 我的,都是我的。[大笑]
[Queen Chrysalis][異蛹女王]
This day has been just perfect 這一天一直只是完美
The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small 一天夢想,因為我很渺
Everypony I'll soon control 每個小馬很快就會控制
Every stallion, mare and foal 公馬母馬馬駒
Who says a girl can't really have it all? "laughing"誰說女孩不能真正擁有這一切 “大笑

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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