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Aviators - Never Back Down
2012/04/21 03:21:42瀏覽139|回應0|推薦0
Don't look back不回頭
It's too late這太遲了
To turn back now現在去回頭
Push through通過度過
Daring do敢於做
You're gonna make it out你會使其
This time這一次
You won't let the danger不會讓危險
overcome you克服
You know that everypony in this world still needs you
Daring Do don't back down or let evil defeat you
Don't turn around不要轉身
When everything falls apart當一切都分崩離析
Just don't back down只要不退縮
Keep running just look ahead繼續奔馳只是向前看
You might be losing but you're not dead可能會失去不能
Hold on堅持
Hold fast堅守
Keep going繼續前進
And never back down從不退縮
Tied down牽制
Look around環顧四周
Danger everywhere危險無處不在
No one沒有人
In sight在視線
The smell of adventure in the air空氣中的冒險氣味
When it seems當這似乎
Like your world像是你世界
Has turned around已經轉過身
No one沒有人
Can stop you可以阻止你
So never back down所以從不退縮
Obstacles are in front of and behind you
But this fear deep inside, you know it blinds you
Take a leap and we will catch you as you fall
You know with your courage you can overcome it all

Life can seem like it's a little bit rough生活可以看起來有點粗糙
But the tough ponies never ever give up艱難的小馬從來沒有放棄
Enough, I wouldn't be here if I sat and groaned夠了,我不會在這裡如果我坐著呻吟
And moaned about the times I've felt alone呻吟有關的時間感到孤單
I grew a backbone and I told 'em all sup*註 成長的骨幹,我告訴他們所有發生什麼事
And I made a promise to never ever give up我做了一個承諾永遠不放棄
I'm a stroller, I don't need a clover for luck我是遊蕩者我並不需要一個幸運三葉草
High roller, gave Ahuizotl a buck鵬翔Ahuizotl降壓
If you stand up life only just gets doper如果你站起來,生活只是剛剛變得這麼順利
Never give up and your cup runneth over永不放棄福杯滿溢
Not a moper, sober when I toss my frown不是悶悶不樂者清醒時,我折騰皺眉
I continued moving up, never falling back down我繼續向上移動,從來沒有掉落退縮
And around this time I should say to you在這段時間應該對你說
That you should follow the lifestyle of Daring Do大膽你應該遵循生活方式
I used to be just depressed and messed我以前只是沮喪和混亂
Expressed to impress like a dang contest表示將留下深刻的印象像一個該死較量
Bang bang, I just rapped a couple'a audibles砰碰,我只是敲著一個加倍嗆聲
Trust me when I say nothing is impossible相信我,當我沒有什麼是不可能
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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