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Aviators - Friendship
2012/04/21 02:46:36瀏覽124|回應0|推薦0

Lyrics: I believed what we had would last forever 我相信我們會一直持續直到永遠

After all the moments we spent together 之後我們一起度過的所有時刻,

Were they meaningless in the end? 直到最後是毫無意義的嗎?

If friendship is supposed to be magic 如果友誼應該是魔法

Why has ours become so tragic 為什麼我們變得如此悲慘

I'm no longer proud to call you my friend 我不再感到驕傲稱呼你是我的朋友

Feels like after all this time 畢竟這一次全然覺得

You should have known we'd be here tonight 你應該知道我們今晚會在這裡

Wondering where the past has gone 想知道已消逝的過去

All the memories we lost when we moved on ,當我們動搖了...我們失去所有記憶

Honestly It hurts thinking 老實說這想法痛苦

About the way  We were, just you and me 關於我們,你與我

This isn't what friendship is supposed to be 友誼不應該是這樣的

Giving up always seemed so easy 放棄似乎總是那麼容易

But it's hard when it's you and me 但這對你與我來說很困難,

And I don't want to say goodbye 我不想說再見

We've hurt each other time and time again 我們已經傷害了對方一次又一次

I guess all good things come to an end 我猜一切美好的事物走到了盡頭

But I don't want to lose you tonight 但我今晚不想失去你

Don't say goodbye 不要說再見

I promise everything will be alright 我保證一切都會好起來

Don't leave me 不要離開我

I'm sorry 我很抱歉

I'll fix this if it costs me my life 我會解決這個問題,如果代價是我的生命

I'm going to make this right 我會去修正這一切

這首歌感覺是個悲傷的Brony寫的歌,有點悲傷不過我挺喜歡這首歌的感覺 節奏很快速像是心跳聲 PS:Brony是小馬迷的稱呼

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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