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We come together by Goldfish
2011/11/19 00:52:03瀏覽234|回應0|推薦0

We come together by Goldfish Featuring Sakhile Moleshe我們在一起

Hold on we brave the waves don’t fall保持我們勇敢波浪不落
When the sheriff’s got your back against the wall當警長抓到你背部靠在牆上
You’ll become a slave if you fear to brawl你會成為一個奴隸,如果你害怕去爭吵
That’s why we crave to conquer all這就是為什麼我們渴望征服一切

You can catch us switching lanes at the break of dawn您可以趕上我們切換車道在破曉時分
When the rebel spirit answers to my call當反叛的精神,回答我的呼喚
When the magic from within is released reborn當內在的魔力釋放脫胎換骨
That’s why we crave to conquer all這就是為什麼我們渴望征服一切

O o when we come togetherO O當我們走在一起
No matter the weather不管天氣
We gonna love each other till the end of time WO O O 我們愛彼此直到時間結束WO O O
Till the end of time WO O O直到時間結束 WO O O

Are you ready to face the eye of the storm你準備好要面對的風暴之眼
When the planets are enraged can you stay calm當行星激怒你能保持冷靜的
Will you find your way when you’ve strayed to far你會找到你的方式,當你誤入到遠方
Whether the distance is great or small無論或大或小的距離

I can show you the way if you gaze at the stars我可以告訴你的,如果你明星們的凝視
When the universe leaves all the gates ajar當宇宙離開所有的門半掩著
Whether I’ll be there is no question at all無論我會去的,是沒有問題
I could not escape the vortex to which we are drawn.我無法逃脫我們繪製的旋渦。

O o when we come togetherO O當我們走在一起
No matter the weather不管天氣
We gonna love each other till the end of time WO O O 我們愛彼此直到時間結束WO O O
Till the end of time WO O O直到時間結束 WO O O

We gonna rock the party automatic we gonna get naughty yeah我們搖滾全自動派對,我們要頑皮的耶
We gonna rock it drop it till the morning there’ll be no stopping yeah我們該怎麼搖滾下降到早晨還有將不停止呀

Written by Sakhile Moleshe, David Poole and Dominic Peters.
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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