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2010/09/16 13:14:25瀏覽230|回應0|推薦0

Goldfish: Fort Knox Lyrics


(Verse 1)
Hold on to the moment 繼續的時刻
When there's something brewing in the sky 當有東西在天空中醞釀
Come on, there's too much distance 來吧,有太多的距離
Seperating you and I 你和我分離
But there's no real reason 但有沒有真正的理由
Take what you can get, she's never asking why 以你能得到什麼,她從來不問為什麼
Now, I know, thats's treason 現在,我知道,那的背叛
I'm shaking and moving and it's all because of you 我全身顫抖和運動,這一切都因為你

(Chorus) (副歌)
And I feel something 而且我感覺到某些東西
What you feel boy, the heat 你覺得男孩,熱
Oh, I feel something 哦,我感覺到某些東西
What you feel boy, the beat 你覺得男孩,頹廢

(Verse 2) (詩二)
Break in 打破
To the system 這系統
These walls between us are just way too high 我們之間這些牆只是太高


Bend light 曲折光線
In a prism 在棱鏡
Seven colors flashing in your eyes 七彩閃爍你的眼睛
You must try 你必須嘗試
To escape it 為了逃避它
Boy, you'll never ever see the lie 男孩,從來沒有見過你的謊言
If you buy 如果你買
My Story 我的故事
I'll take you and I'll move you 我帶你去,我會打動你
And I hope you think it's true 而且我希望你覺得這是真的

(Chorus) x2 (合唱)x2

(Vocal intermission) (聲樂中場休息)

(Chorus) x2(合唱)x2

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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