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Last Stand
2011/09/16 18:07:06瀏覽170|回應0|推薦2

I'm all alone我獨自一人
you're far away你遠離
Never learned from my mistakes沒從我的​​錯誤學習過
I should have known我應該知道 
Just what to say只是想說什麼 
To make you want to stay為了讓你想留下 
You were always the one giving你總是一個讓 
I was always there to take it我一直有持有它 
Take your heart and break it拿著你的心且打破它 
And I'll never make it without you而我永遠不會讓你沒有它 
I need a second chance我需要第二次機會
Cause I want to make it about you原因我想對你這 
I'm making my last stand我作我的背水一戰
It took a moment to say過了好一會兒說 
It wasn't you it was me這不是你這是我 
I couldn't let you in我不能讓你在 
Now I'm ashamed I pushed you away from me現在,我慚愧我推你離我遠一點 
Now I'm afraid it's too late to save again現在再次拯救恐怕為時已晚 

Miss you the most when I sleep當我睡著想念你 
Turning nightmares into dreams談到夢想成惡夢 
Can't lose hope不能失去希望 
It's killing me這是殺了 
(killing me)(殺死我)
I'm the one who made you leave我是一個誰使你離開 
But if I just take a chance now但是,如果我現在只需要一個機會 
Open up and finally reach out敞開心扉,終於到達了 
(reach out)(伸手) 
Can I save it all somehow我可以如何所有?

And I'll never make it without you而我永遠不會讓你沒有它 
I need a second chance我需要第二次機會
Cause I want to make it about you原因我想在對你 
I'm making my last stand作我的背水一戰
It took a moment to say過了好一會兒說 
It wasn't you it was me這不是你這是我 
I couldn't let you in我不能讓你在 
Now I'm ashamed I pushed you away from me現在,我慚愧我推你離我遠一點 
Now I'm afraid it's too late to save again現在再次拯救恐怕為時已晚 

I'm all alone我獨自一人 
You're far away你遠離
I finally found the words to say我終於找到了言語說 
And I'll never make it without you而我永遠不會讓你沒有它 
(sorry for the way I shut you out)(對不起,我的方式趕你出去) 
I need a second chance我需要第二次機會
Cause I want to make it about you原因我想對你 
(sorry for the way)(抱歉的方式)
I'll make it my last stand我將背水一戰
It took a moment to say it wasn't you過了好一會兒說這不是你 
It was me這是我
I couldn't let you in我不能讓你在
Now I'm ashamed I pushed you away from me現在,我慚愧我推你離我遠一點
(I couldn't let you in)(我不能讓你在)
Now I'm afraid it's too late to save again現在再次拯救恐怕為時已晚
Won't be afraid won't push you away不會害怕不會把你推開
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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