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2011/02/23 19:49:06瀏覽180|回應0|推薦1
Waking ten times to take a piss 醒來十次小便
You can taste the cancer in my morning kiss可以品嚐到我的早晨親吻癌症
Scratch the rash on my back, perfect bliss刮開在我的背上皮疹,完美的幸福
You want a life companion and you're getting this你想要的生活伴侶,你要得到
Men can get a few dimes人們可以得到一些硬幣
And man can get it up few times與人得到它幾次
Men can get a few dimes人們可以得到一些硬幣
And man can get it up few times與人得到它幾次
You have to look away at my every meal你必須把目光移開我的每一餐
Inconvenient, but that's the deal麻煩的,但是這就是交易
This is what we've become when nothing's real這就是沒有什麼真實的時候,我們已經成為真實的
Mental wounds that never heal從未癒合的心理創傷,
Men can get a few dimes人們可以得到一些硬幣
And man can get it up few times與人得到它幾次
Men can get a few dimes人們可以得到一些硬幣
And man can get it up few times與人得到它幾次
Man can get a few dimes人們可以得到一些硬幣
And man can get it up few times與人得到它幾次
Man can get a few dimes人們可以得到一些硬幣
And man can get it up few times 

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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