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Blue Moon
2010/11/18 16:25:07瀏覽264|回應0|推薦0
Blue Moon, you saw me standing alone藍月亮,你看到我獨自站著
Without a dream in my heart沒有夢想在我心中
Without a love of my own沒有我擁有的

Blue moon, you knew just what I was there for藍月亮,你知道怎麼我在那
You heard me saying a prayer for你聽到我說一個祈禱
Someone I really could care for我真的有人可以照顧

And then there suddenly appeared before me然後突然出現在我面前
The only one my arms would hold這是唯一的我的胳膊可以將之把握住的
I heard somebody whisper, "please adore me"我聽到有人低聲說:“請喜歡我”
And when I looked to the moon it turned to gold當我望著月亮它變成了金黃色

Blue moon, now I'm no longer alone藍月亮,現在我不再孤單
Without a dream in my heart沒有夢想在我心中
Without a love of my own沒有我擁有的

(instrumental break)(間奏)

And then there suddenly appeared before me然後突然出現在我面前
The only one my arms will ever hold這是唯一的我的胳膊可以將之把握住的
I heard somebody whisper, "please adore me"我聽到有人低聲說:“請喜歡我”
And when I looked the moon had turned to gold當我望著月亮它變成了金黃色

Blue moon藍月亮
Now I'm no longer alone現在我不再孤單
Without a dream in my heart沒有夢想在我心中
Without a love of my own沒有我擁有的

Blue moon藍月亮
Now I'm no longer alone現在我不再孤單
Without a dream in my heart沒有夢想在我心中
Without a love of my own沒有我擁有的

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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