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2010/10/14 14:25:40瀏覽234|回應0|推薦0

Would You Be Impressed? 你會留下深刻的印象?

Would you be upset if I told you we were dying? 你會被打破,如果我告訴你,我們正在死亡線上掙扎?
And every cure they gave us was a lie? 而每治癒他們給了我們是一個謊言?
Oh! They mean it when they say we're dead and doomed 哦!他們的意思是,當他們說我們已經死了的,注定
And every single symptom brings us closer to the tomb 而每一個症狀使我們更接近墓
And who will take the credit for our swift impending fall 誰又將採取信貸為我們即將迅速下墬
Because it's not my fault 因為這不是我的錯
Would you be impressed if I said that the dead would help us counting你會留下深刻的印象,如果我說,死者將有助於我們計數 
Every single moment that we waste our time? 每一個時刻,我們浪費我們的時間?
All the time we're spending vaccinating this disease 所有的時間我們花費接種這種疾病的疫苗
I just get dizzy when I think of all the ways we try to hide our maladies 我會頭暈,當我想到所有的方面,我們試圖掩蓋我們的弊端
WE wine, we dine, and everything is fine 我們喝酒,我們吃飯,一切都很好
Because it's not my fault 因為這不是我的錯
Not you're upset because you finally got the notion 你是不是不高興,因為你終於得到了概念
That everything you had is spinning down the drain 這一切你曾經擁有的付諸東流
Oh! Do you mean it when you beg and pray and plead? 哦!難道你的意思是當你禱告,乞求申辯?
Your "Give it to me give it to me give it to me give it to me all those things we need" 您的“快給我把它給我把它給我把它給我所有這些事情,我們需要”
And what, pray tell, will you whimper when your number will be called 什麼想要,祈禱說,你嗚咽,當您將被召喚
You'll say "It's not my fault" 你會說“這不是我的錯”
Go! Now! The others they'll await you 走!現在!其他人,他們將等待著你
And every single one among the lot of you will have your turn 而每一個個體中很多你將輪到你
Ai Ai Ai Oh Oh OH 
Like moths that fly into the flame it always ends up so 像是飛蛾撲火,總是這樣結束
You scream: "Not me! Take anybody else! 你尖叫:“不是我!是別人!
Because it's not my fault!"因為它不是我的錯!“
I had a dream last night where everyone was trying我有一個夢,昨晚,每個人都試圖嘗試
Subconsciously I knew it was a lie 我下意識地知道這是一個謊言
ANd when I woke I knew it was time to pray 當我醒來我知道這是時間向上帝禱告
To make amends before the end, before my judgment day 為了結束前彌補,前一天我的判斷
I looked around, I stood alone, I knew what I had to say 我環顧四周,我獨自站著,我知道我說的話
I said "It's all my fault"我說:“這都是我的錯”

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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