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The Knife lyrics - Pass This On
2010/03/01 10:50:24瀏覽757|回應0|推薦1

I'm in love with your brother我愛上了你的兄弟 

What's his name?他叫什麼名字?
I thought I'd come by to see him again我認為我會進來,再次見到他 
And when you two danced當你們兩個跳舞 
Oh, what a dance哦,舞蹈 
And when you two laughed當你兩個笑 
Oh, what a laugh哦,笑 
Has he mentioned my age love?他有提到我愛的年齡嗎?
Or is he more into young girls with dyed black hair?抑或是他更年輕的女孩把頭髮染成黑色? 
I'm in love with your brother我愛上了你的兄弟 

I thought I'd come by我認為我會來的 

I'm in love with your brother我愛上了你的兄弟 
Yes, I am是的,我是
But maybe I shouldn't ask for his name但也許我不應該要求他的名字 
And you danced和你跳舞 
Oh, what a dance哦,舞蹈 
And you laughed而你笑了 
Oh, what a laugh哦,笑 
Does he know what I do?他是否知道我做了什麼? 
And you'll pass this on, won't you?你會通過這,是不是? 
And if I ask him once what would he say?如果我問他一次他會說什麼? 
Is he willing?他是否願意? 
Can he play?他可以祈禱? 

If I ask him once what would he say?如果我問他一次他會說什麼? 
Is he willing? Can he play?他是否願意?他可以祈禱? 

Does he know what I do?他是否知道我做了什麼? 
And you'll pass this on, won't you?你會通過這,是不是? 
And if I ask him once what would he say?如果我問他一次他會說什麼? 
Is he willing? Can he play?他是否願意?他可以祈禱? 

I wasn't really looking for some more than我沒有真正尋找多一些
 Some company on the dance floor有些隊伍,在舞池 
And does he know what I do?此外,他是否知道我做了什麼? 
And you'll pass this on, won't you and你會通過這,是不是 ?
I wasn't really looking for some more than我沒有真正尋找多一些
 Some company on the dance floor有些隊伍,在舞池 
And does he know what I do?此外,他是否知道我做了什麼? 
And you'll pass this on, won't you and你會通過這,是不是 ?
Does he know what I do?他是否知道我做什麼? 
And you'll pass this on, won't you?你會通過這,是不是? 

And if I ask him once what would he say?如果我問他一次他會說什麼? 

Is he willing? Can he play?他是否願意?他可以祈禱? 

I wasn't really looking for some more than我沒有真正尋找多一些

Some company on the dance floor有些隊伍,在舞池 

And does he know what I do?此外,他是否知道我做了什麼? 
And you'll pass this on, won't you and你會通過這,是不是? 

I wasn't really looking for some more than我沒有真正尋找多一些

Some company on the dance floor有些隊伍,在舞池 

And does he know what I do?此外,他是否知道我做了什麼? 

And you'll pass this on, won't you and你會通過這,是不是? 

I wasn't really looking for some more than我沒有真正尋找多一些

Some company on the dance floor有些隊伍,在舞池 

And does he know what I do?此外,他是否知道我做了什麼?

And you'll pass this on, won't you and你會通過這,是不是? 

I wasn't really looking for some more than...我沒有真正尋找多一些...


( 休閒生活音樂 )
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