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Serj Tankian - Elect The Dead馬上死亡
2010/01/09 09:14:02瀏覽541|回應0|推薦3

Arms are raised above the sky,雙臂高舉 到天空,

But all I want is me然而,我想就是我

You are there beside the night你在那裡旁邊的夜晚

But I all I want is me但我所有我想要的是我

All I want is me.我想要的是我。

Love we know我們知道愛

Comes from inside,來自內部,

But all I want is me,然而,我想是我,

All I want is me.我想要的是我。

Death we know我們知道死亡

Comes to us alive我們活著來到

But all I want is you,然而,我要的是你,

Death we know我們知道死亡

Comes to all of us alive我們所有活著來到

But all I want is you,然而,我要的是你,

All I need is you,我只要你,

All I want.我想要的。
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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