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Anberlin - Enjoy The Silence and lyrics
2009/12/02 10:05:08瀏覽625|回應0|推薦0

Words like violence語言像暴力
Break the silence打破沉默
Come crashing in在來崩潰
Into my little world進入我的小世界
Painful to me痛苦著我
Pierce right through me刺穿過我
Can’t you understand你不能明白
Oh my little girl噢,我的小女孩

All I ever wanted所有我曾經想過
All I ever needed所有我所需要的
Is here in my arms是我的懷裡這裡
Words are very unnecessary言論是非常必要
They can only do harm他們只能傷害

Vows are spoken誓言是口語
To be broken為了打破
Feelings are intense感情激烈
Words are trivial詞是平凡的
Pleasures remain歡沁仍然
So does the pain因此,不痛
Words are meaningless詞是沒有意義的
And forgettable且易忘記的

All I ever wanted所有我曾經想過
All I ever needed所有我所需要的
Is here in my arms是我的懷裡這裡
Words are very unnecessary言論是非常必要
They can only do harm他們只能傷害

All I ever wanted所有我曾經想過
All I ever needed我所需要的所有
Is here in my arms是我的懷裡這裡
Words are very unnecessary言論是非常必要
They can only do harm 他們只能傷害

lyrics form the http://www.lyrics007.com
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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