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Anberlin - There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
2009/12/01 15:21:13瀏覽3577|回應0|推薦1
[Originally by The Smiths] 
Take me out tonight今晚帶我出去 
Where theres music and theres people某處這些音樂和這些人 
And they're young and alive他們還年輕,活著 
Driving in your car駕駛你的車 
I never never want to go home我從來沒有要回家 
Because I haven't got one因為我沒有得到一個 

Take me out tonight今晚帶我出去 
Because I want to see people and i因為我不願意看到的和我 
Want to see life希望看到生活 
Driving in your car駕駛你的車 
Oh, please don't drop me home噢,請不要扔我回家 
Because its not my home, its their由於它不是我的家,是它的 
Home, and I'm welcome no more,而且我不受家庭歡迎 

And if a double-decker bus如果一輛雙層巴士 
Crashes into us將崩潰我們 
To die by your side死在您身邊 
Is such a heavenly way to die就是這樣一個天堂般死 
And if a ten-ton truck如果一個 10噸重的卡車 
Kills the both of us殺死了我們倆 
To die by your side死在你身邊 
Well, the pleasure - the privilege is mine那麼,快樂 - 是我的特權 

Take me out tonight今晚帶我出去 
Take me anywhere, I don't care請帶我去任何地方,我不關心 
I don't care, I don't care我不在乎,我不在乎 
And in the darkened underpass而在黑暗的地下通道 
I thought oh god, my chance has come at last我想啊,上帝,我的機會終於來了 
(but then a strange fear gripped me and i 
Just couldn't ask)(但奇怪的恐懼籠罩了我,我 

Take me out tonight今晚帶我出去 
Oh, take me anywhere, I don't care請帶我去任何地方,我不關心 
I don't care, I don't care我不在乎,我不在乎 
Driving in your car駕駛你的車 
I never never want to go home噢,請不要扔我回家 
Because I haven't got one, da ...因為我沒有得到一個,Da ... 
Oh, I haven't got one喔,我沒有得到一個 

And if a double-decker bus如果一輛雙層巴士 
Crashes into us將崩潰我們 
To die by your side死在您身邊 
Is such a heavenly way to die就是這樣一個天堂般死 
And if a ten-ton truck如果一個 10噸重的卡車 
Kills the both of us殺死了我們倆 
To die by your side死在你身邊 
Well, the pleasure - the privilege is mine那麼,快樂 - 是我的特權 

Oh, there is a light and it never goes out哦,有一盞燈,它永遠不會熄滅 
There is a light and it never goes out有一種光,它永遠不會熄滅 
There is a light and it never goes out有一種光,它永遠不會熄滅 
There is a light and it never goes out有一種光,它永遠不會熄滅 
There is a light and it never goes out有一種光,它永遠不會熄滅 
There is a light and it never goes out有一種光,它永遠不會熄滅 
There is a light and it never goes out有一種光,它永遠不會熄滅 
There is a light and it never goes out有一種光,它永遠不會熄滅 
There is a light and it never goes out有一種光,它永遠不會熄滅 

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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