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2007/08/10 21:40:51瀏覽615|回應0|推薦4

美國NBC [今夜]脫口秀主持人傑.連諾說:

布希總統周日簽署了一條法律,大幅擴張政府權力,不必搜索票就可監聽我們的電話,監看我們的電郵. 所以,我們的電話有人在看,我們的電子郵件有人在看. 唯一沒人看的是啥? NBC.(美國國家廣播電視台,指收視率差) 我們為什麼不能有那些動作?

"President Bush signed a law on Sunday that broadly expands the government’s authority to eavesdrop on our telephone calls and e-mails without a warrant. So our phone calls are being watched, our e-mails are being watched. The only thing not being watched? NBC. Why can’t we get some of that action?"

-Jay Leno

  NBC 深夜脫口秀主持人歐布里安說:

紐約時報把報紙的尺寸縮小了,他們把寬度縮小一寸半,宣布這則新聞的標題是這麼寫的: [ 大新聞在紐約時.] (因為寬度縮短了,所以紐約時報最後那個[報]字( Times 後面兩個英文字母 es) 也被切掉了. (嘲諷報紙不知權變,只是硬生生的切掉右邊的紙,不過這當然只是開玩笑,紐時是美國最有深度的報紙.)

"The New York Times reduced the size of their paper. They reduced the width by an inch and a half. The news was announced with the headline, 'Big News at New York Tim.'"

-Conan O'Brien

( 休閒生活笑話 )
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